Exploit + Hacker failing our guild puzzle

Exploit + Hacker failing our guild puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pluckerpluck.8692


So, our guild failed the final maze section of the Proxemics Lab Guild Puzzle.

We failed, because twice (and this probably happened to the group before who also failed), we found that one of the orbs had ended up on the wall.

The first case we weren’t sure how it got up there, but the second time I caught the culprit in the act.

He appeared to just go through walls at will (entering the maze through the ceiling) before grabbing an orb, teleporting to the top of the wall, and placing it there.

This caused us to be unable to complete the puzzle.

I have a screenshot of this occurring:

Imgur Link

I’ve blanked out his name for the sake of avoiding a witch hunt, but I can pass on the details (and the full screenshot) to any mod as requested.

He literally jumped up from the left (pretty high) landed on the platform, dropped the orb, and then walked off the right edge.

It wasn’t too much of a problem because as a large guild we always stock multiple missions (so we did one afterwards). But this could have been really detrimental to smaller guilds (and it wasted our time).

Hope something can be done

(edited by Pluckerpluck.8692)

Exploit + Hacker failing our guild puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Veron.8645


I responded with this to your Reddit post, but here it is again to make sure you see it:

There is a way to report exploiters: send an email with as much information as possible to exploits@arena.net (source)

It’s unfortunate that the reporting system is not very user-friendly and reporting exploits requires having to do so out-of-game. You should absolutely report this person, and Anet has demonstrated in the past that at least some cheaters and griefers do get banned.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]