Eyeinfinity and grenades

Eyeinfinity and grenades

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smoky.9724


You can ask the blackgate Major from tag [ORGY] how they do it though this wasn’t the 1st or seemingly last month exploiters will be in this game, growing very old of it

so, blue side overlook, SW gate, he was @ the bottom of the steps able to land grenades perfectly on the back of the top of the walls.

Dont care what forums this belongs, bugs, exploits. No matter where you post, same kitten does not get fixed, even stuff reported in BWE 1. I can’t tell what ruins the game more, the fact you are putting more people on new jumping puzzles or refusing to view bugs/exploits that have haunted that game for almost a year now.

Eyeinfinity and grenades

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Grenades are buggy with some walls in WvW, and will travel into/through them. I’m guessing this is related somehow, since normally they will impact solid things along their way: merely seeing a place like with eyefinity doesn’t let your grenades actually arrive there like it could with an arrow cart.