FPS Drop on Zoning/Log-In

FPS Drop on Zoning/Log-In

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Donari.5237


I did see the thread about drops in specific places, but my issue is slightly different. The places most likely to do it to me are BC (and Ashford), DR, and LA as mentioned in that thread.

However, it happens to me when I zone in or out, or even just log in. Just now it happened on log in to Ebonhawke crafting area. When I had a PS that made me zone from DR to Ebonhawke, wham. The only fix I’ve found is to exit to desktop and restart the game. For the PS, that meant hoping restarting wouldn’t do the same thing (it didn’t, whew).

This is intermittent but frequent. Usually I do have time to restart the game and am not in aggro, but it can still be vexing. 5 fps is almost as slideshow and certainly won’t work for combat. When I’m grouped and heading into a dungeon, zone-in is a roulette wheel.

FPS Drop on Zoning/Log-In

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zeffy.3984


I’m not 100% sure if this is the same issue you’re experiencing, but I have this happen very frequently when I enter Plains of Ashford through the Black Citadel portal. I drop down to exactly 3 FPS as soon as I enter the zone, and I’ve never had it happen anywhere else.

If I teleport to a waypoint, it doesn’t happen. Restarting my game always fixes it, but it’s still annoying.

Zeffy | Asuran Guardian~