Fahd al'Eshadi won't reset on Dragonbrand
Wait, talking to an event NPC resets the cooldown timer for the event? How/when/why did that become a thing that happens? o_O
It seems to be happening here.
Well yeah, the event is stuck here on Crystal Desert too, but I figure it’s just bugged like Canach..
Piken Square has Noll, Canach and Fahd bugged.
Hahah funy, I just gave up the Largos (I’m from Dragonbrand) and came here to see the dungeon bug. Holping for a fix during the night, so we can do it tomorrow morning before the next part of the event ^^.
Also bugged on our server Aurora Glade. … WTF, limited time to get this all done, being spammed by Miyani … and the “Powers that be” are not sorting it out fast.
Myste Stormme – 80 Ele; Oricle Myste – 80 Mes; Mystestormme – 80 Guardian;
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server
Same problem in yaks bend…