Fatal Crash at the completion of Arah Story

Fatal Crash at the completion of Arah Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eragon Tanker.3281

Eragon Tanker.3281

I completed Arah story with my mesmer and when the final scene started when Zithan is killed I experienced a fatal crash. I restarted my computer and then GW2 would not load.

I quickly grabbed my laptop and logged into my account. My team was still in the instance so I entered. The game instantly locked up again with a fatal error, on a different computer.

I had to conduct a hard shutdown, restarted GW2 and by then my team had left the instance. My character did not get credit for completing the mission. This is EXTREMELY frustrating since this mission takes over 1hr to complete.

Please help, I would also like credit for mission completion. I submitted an in game bug report. My game log should validate this.

Fatal Crash at the completion of Arah Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eragon Tanker.3281

Eragon Tanker.3281

One note, the game will no longer work on this computer. (Mac desktop, OS X 10.9.5, 3.4 GHz i5, 8 gig, GTX 755M GPU)

I tried the repair fix listed in the help forums using the terminal program and “/applications/guild\ wars\ 2.app/contents/MacOS/cider —use-dos-cwd C:Gw2 -- C:\\GW2\\GW2.exe –repair”

It just runs and nothing happens, let it go for 2+hrs. Game runs fine on my MBP.

Fatal Crash at the completion of Arah Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eragon Tanker.3281

Eragon Tanker.3281

to the top………any help from an Admin/Anet rep?

Fatal Crash at the completion of Arah Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


If you need direct help, you should put in a support ticket and/or post your issue over in Account and Technical Support.