Field of View Not Reset Exiting Adventure Box
As I said in this thread
I’m experiencing the same bug.
I suggest to create a [MERGED] thread about it.
EU Servers
The solution that normally works is a simple re-log, however, if that doesn’t work, then you’ve got to be hit by the giant headcage thing’s laser at the end of worlds 1-2 or 1-1. I accidentally discovered that it seems to reset the camera the other day. I hope this helps.
The solution that normally works is a simple re-log, however, if that doesn’t work, then you’ve got to be hit by the giant headcage thing’s laser at the end of worlds 1-2 or 1-1. I accidentally discovered that it seems to reset the camera the other day. I hope this helps.
Yes the camera could be resetted as you say. But the glitch shouldn’t happen at all.
The problem still persist with new Nvidia Drivers 314.22
EU Servers