Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mogturmen.2638


This seems to be a new issue. Recently I logged in after work and it was past 7pm. In fact it was 7:10-7:15. It didn’t even dawn on me that I have recently seen my dailies not reset at exactly 7pm any more like I used to. Previously it seemed very accurate and I’m not the only one who has noticed this. I was going along, got 4/5 and by now it was about 7:45-7:50 and it reset. I was pretty irritated and logged out.

I’m not sure if I am the only one seeing this issue, but I’m guessing not and would like for this to be addressed as if someone logs in past 7pm, they have no way of knowing it’s going reset in 5 or maybe 45, 50 minutes past 7.

Thank you for an awesome game!

Level 80 Asura Necromancer

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’d recommend that you take before and after screenshots of your upper right UI panel and the [h]ero panel. (“Before” meaning when you first logon and “after” when you first notice the reset.) Ideally, include the server or local time in the mini-map.

Then create a support ticket and include the screenies.

The reason is that the vast majority of players aren’t seeing what you are. So either something is weird with your game/installation or it’s an unusual bug which will be difficult to replicate. If it’s the first, support will be able to troubleshoot it with you; if it’s the second, this will give them useful data to pass on to the dev team.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SCMFXT.7385


Don’t forget about the daylight saving time.. +1 hour. The server has not changed to reflect it. This could be the reason why you seeing the reset as it is.

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


Don’t forget about the daylight saving time.. +1 hour. The server has not changed to reflect it. This could be the reason why you seeing the reset as it is.

^This. DST went in to effect in the US. Some times are going to be “out” until the other places follow suit.

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RedStar.4218


For the past week I was playing during the reset and I can assure you that it happens on time. I can also say that a lot of players are confused by the daylight saving time change.

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SirHypnotoad.6549


When game launched Daily reset was at 8PM EST.

Daylight savings time happened and it moved to 7PM EST.

Daylight savings time went away now and it is back at 8PM EST.

Please also note that you might need to relog or rezone to refresh your achievement list. It is a bug. Daily actually reset at that time, but your client needs to force a refresh on the achievement panel and that can be achieved by rezone/relog.

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mogturmen.2638


Great, everyone’s input makes a lot sense, I’m guessing it’s related to DST as well, thanks everyone!!


Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mogturmen.2638


Someone suggested I post a screen shot if I ran into this bug. Note the reset finally did happen at 8:12 while I was creating this post. So, based on the screen shot the dailies, contrary to someone who replied to this post stated, do not reset at precisely 8pm.




Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

The dailies reset at precisely midnight UTC/GMT, which is 5 pm PDT & 8 pm EDT. This is true for everyone in the game.

On occasion, the reset time can pass and you won’t see your UI update until you change zones. If you are getting to 8:06 pm your time, first check the [h]ero panel to see if there are new dailies under the achievement tab (last icon on the left).

If you are still seeing something different, then ensure that your computer’s clock is synchronized correctly.

If that doesn’t work (or if your clock is already synch’d), then you should contact support directly — only they will be able to troubleshoot this further.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Fix Daily Reset Timing Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mogturmen.2638


The dailies reset at precisely midnight UTC/GMT, which is 5 pm PDT & 8 pm EDT. This is true for everyone in the game.

On occasion, the reset time can pass and you won’t see your UI update until you change zones. If you are getting to 8:06 pm your time, first check the [h]ero panel to see if there are new dailies under the achievement tab (last icon on the left).

If you are still seeing something different, then ensure that your computer’s clock is synchronized correctly.

If that doesn’t work (or if your clock is already synch’d), then you should contact support directly — only they will be able to troubleshoot this further.

My PCs are synced with my domain controller on my network. The domain controller is set to keep time with a time server on the internet so I’m certain my clock is correct. Though, I did NOT check the hero window as you suggested and will do that if it happens again, thanks for the tip on contacting support. I will keep my eyes on it and keep this thread posted with my findings as well as what support winds up doing if they get involved as the results may help others who may run into the same issue, assume, of course there actually is one.

Thanks again!

