Fix Orr

Fix Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Many bugged dynamic events.

Respawn rate is stupid fast (thats a problem with the entire game)

Enemies are crammed to gether so you agro one mob and 2 more mobs come join…

Lower map travel cost and repair bills since almost every waypoint is contested.

Many missing textures that dissapear depending on camera angles.

Balance it for solo players as well (since you claim this game can be played solo)

This zone is not fun at all…Ive had fun up until now.

Fix Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: neoxide.7320


There’s at least 1 broken skill point in every section of Orr. Really sucks to have 99% completion on all maps.

Fix Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ruien.9506


Please Anet do not give in to these people. Orr is fine and in fact could use a bit more difficulty . People will never learn how to actually play if you don’t make them. Humans will take the path of least resistance every single time.

This is the same people who are screaming for explorable modes to be made easier. I have done every explorable in the game successfully and havent died in a dungeon in days. They also could stand to be harder.

Once these people actually learn how to play your game, they wont have a problem with the zones. You take away the reason for them to learn tho and you wont ever hear the end of the, “This is too hard” crowd.

Fix Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daloskar.3892


Please Anet do not give in to these people. Orr is fine and in fact could use a bit more difficulty . People will never learn how to actually play if you don’t make them. Humans will take the path of least resistance every single time.

This is the same people who are screaming for explorable modes to be made easier. I have done every explorable in the game successfully and havent died in a dungeon in days. They also could stand to be harder.

Once these people actually learn how to play your game, they wont have a problem with the zones. You take away the reason for them to learn tho and you wont ever hear the end of the, “This is too hard” crowd.

+1 this (though the skill challenges will hopefully be fixed soon)

Fix Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cherrie.8907


Orr is not meant to be played alone.
It’s fine as it is, try it with more people, it’s REALLY much better than any other map (imho) because of this.
However I agree about the travel costs: they’re too high in general, especially here that every point is contested.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson