Fix the botting issue going on Thunder Ridge please!!!
This is one of the worst offending events I’ve encountered. Other places I’ve seen 2-3 afk bots, but to see 20-30 blatantly auto-attack spamming? Sadly it’s a great spot – no flanks on the broken parts of the bridge allows them to spam the only attack vector, and the event brings tons of mobs for loot / xp. On top of that the event tends to respawn every 10-15 minutes.
I hope this is a brilliant honeypot scheme:
simple simi fix that will do more good than harm if someone is reported a set many times from different players per log-in for botting it automatically logs them out scene there will be no set time on when it will happen it will be extremely hard to make a bot to relog and for the ones that have the know how on how to do so make a captcha code to relog in if your reported a set many times also make this applyable to scammers cause most of the gold sellers are botting
I think this idea can make players feel more good about the game when they can see action being done first hand instead of wondering if action was ever taken on that botter or gold seller and will encourage more people to click the report button you see to many people these days complaining after someone says click the report button on that botter or gold seller and they say it doesn’t work or nothing happens it seems that role players these days feel that they are let down from the flood of more and more botters and gold sellers and nothing is said or shown proof of actions
now there can be exploits to this method like if someone says in map hey report this guy and the people in the map all click report but I think the great minds of arena net could work out the kinks say for instance you get a chat message one that set number is reached or a random pop-up with a set time limit 5-15 seconds to click ok when I say random meaning not in the same place on the screens so a botter can have it set to click there a random place each time to click ok and a random shape or size of the pop-up once after you will not be bothered for a hour if you click ok to where if people are exploiting it to pick on other players you wont have a pop-up even time you click ok but also will boot the botters because if its not a time limit on the ok button all that have to do is wait to click ok and walk away
(edited by Random Steveo.7352)
Maybe award players karma for reporting botting? But of course keep track of how many times that particular bot has been reported so they can’t exploit the rewards, but if players see that they get rewarded for doing the right thing then it would be an effective incentive, since karma can’t be traded in game or items bought can’t be traded….it would work out nicely. And ya having “X” amount of people reporting you botting should cause a window to appear for an autologout, this would in turn would insure that innocent players don’t get auto logged out…..something like that.