Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: CaptainFabulous.8410


I transmuted my charr elementalist’s Flame Eye onto another headpiece and while the transmutation itself was successful (item shows as Flame Eye, with the Flame Eye icon, stats are correct and are applied when worn) it doesn’t appear when equipped. It’s as if it’s unchecked even tho it’s most definitely checked.

Oddly enough it CAN be seen on the character selection screen, just not in-game.

Anyone else run into this problem? Any known fixes or workarounds?

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Inprognito.9487


As far as I know it happens to everyone’s flame eye. Happened to mine 2 days after launch and still no answer on whether it’s ever going to be fixed.

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Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Paradox.5498


And not just the flame eyes, but the other elementalist starter head pieces as well… It’s a real pitty. It has been reported since launch (and for all I know in betas as well) and just never been addressed. Sad elementalist alt here.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Rezin.6931


Sadly, this bug still exists.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: beharu.8517


hi i had the same bug and was wondering if this has been fixed, and i deleted the transmuted item afterwards and was wondering if there is any other way to get the item back,
seems like creating a new lvl 1 mage doesn’t do it anymore as the lvl 1 items are now all soulbound for reasons i do not know…

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Katreyn.4218


hi i had the same bug and was wondering if this has been fixed, and i deleted the transmuted item afterwards and was wondering if there is any other way to get the item back,
seems like creating a new lvl 1 mage doesn’t do it anymore as the lvl 1 items are now all soulbound for reasons i do not know…

It’s still not fixed. Every patch I hope that it gets fixed, but to no avail so far. Maybe one day.

As far as getting another one, other then making another character and transmuting it I dunno. I heard that even though it says its soulbound you can usually still use it on another character, no idea if they fixed that even. >.< If they did, then they really should consider allowing people to access the starter item again via a vendor/seasonal hat vendor if they ever put one in, and fix the issue.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: maddoctor.2738


No they didn’t fix that. Make a new character, transmute the flame eye over a white head piece and you have an account bound flame-eye to use on any of your characters. It appears correctly on the Character Selection screen but not after loading the character.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: VampyreJack.9183


this just happened to me today. Very upset. transmuted my flame eye (because every fashionable and sensible gw2 player is going to want to keep this graphic, but upgrade their gear)…and now i have no appearance on my flame eye. Please fix this Anet…people have been reporting this for months and still nothing. i’ve already paid $110+ in the gem store alone. i feel i deserve this. Please. i submitted a bug report showing that the item is equipped (box is selected) yet still no graphic.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Ratchet.5416


I had this happen to me just now as well, when I finally decided my charr elementalist should use his Flame Eye full time. Joke’s on me now, though, and I am stuck with the invisible eye.

Please fix this.

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Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: archwaykitten.3208


My character wears a bandanna as part of her hairstyle, and the glacial eye is the only piece of headgear I’ve found that looks good with it. It’s really disappointing that I can’t see mine anymore.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Asraishalo.8601


Still bugged. Really disappointed about this. I want my glacial eye!

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


5 months in and still bugged. Oh well..

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Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Paradox.5498


Yeah, pitty. My lvl80 guardian is still using the shoulder skin with the glowing guardian-symbol but I couldn’t see the unique-looking flame eye on my elementalist after lvl5 and it’s been sitting in the bank for months now. It has been reported over and over again by a gazillion people ever since game launch and I can totally see how this is not priority number one for the debugging team, but it’s probably an easy fix as well.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Deekers.2031


I have the same problem as of today with the flame eye, the glowy graphic is not displayed after I transmuted it onto another head item, very disappointed, then went to forums to check if others had this problem.

Please fix!

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: JackLafayette.9360


Same problem, but it first happened several months ago for me. I thought it might have been a sporadic bug, so I vendored the busted item, blew a couple of gold on a new exotic helm, bought a sixth character slot to make another ele, and transmuted the Flame Eye skin onto a piece of account-bound gear. Unfortunately, the kitten thing vanished again.

Would love to see this fixed soon, ArenaNet.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: SDSkuld.9352


Had the same problem just now, the storm eye worked fine while it was still a level 1 item, but transmuting makes it not longer appear.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Deekers.2031


This problem is fixed now (for flame eye). Just saw it in game.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Paradox.5498


This problem is fixed now (for flame eye). Just saw it in game.

Confirmed! Finally fixed, yay!

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Wow, yay! Didn’t even bother to check this patch. Thanks a lot ANet, my Ele feels whole again. xD

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: HungryWolf.4517


Thank you for fixing this, it looks great!

These kind of things should be in the update notes, I’m sure people would appreciate it.

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: nimajneb.3871


… and still exists…

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: VampyreJack.9183


this also goes with any of the other starting headslot choices for elementalists. i tried transmuting it into a new cloth helm, and lost my graphic flame eye appearance completely (now i have no graphic for my headslot) . there needs to be a way to transmute the appearance so elementalists can keep their favorite head slots even at level 80, and a way to fix those many of us who have lost our graphics after transmuting. Please and thank you. I had chimed in on someone’s post a month or two ago that was also having a problem with this, and many chimed in as well. Surely this wouldn’t take the dev team long to fix? i’ve paid over $120 additional in the gem store alone. I feel i deserve this, sorry

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

If you’re still experiencing this, can you provide additional details on exactly which helm you combined your gem with?

We put in a fix for this issue with the 1/28 build, and I personally transmuted my flame eye onto another helm (and it worked fine), so it might just be specific armor pieces that are still causing problems.

Thanks, everyone!

ArenaNet Community Team
Live Response Embed

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Well if I had known I wouldn’t have destroyed mine :/
It would be nice if there was another way to get this kind of gear other than the starting sequence

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Well if I had known I wouldn’t have destroyed mine :/
It would be nice if there was another way to get this kind of gear other than the starting sequence

Are you aware of the method to do that using a second character slot?

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Well if I had known I wouldn’t have destroyed mine :/
It would be nice if there was another way to get this kind of gear other than the starting sequence

Are you aware of the method to do that using a second character slot?

All my slots are full already

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Lady Vireo.5189

Lady Vireo.5189

Just want to say a BIG thank-you to the Anet team for taking time to fix this bug when they have so many higher priorities on the to-do list. My ele is now rocking her exotic, transmuted flame eye.

Thanks for your continued replies, Jason, and for working on these small concerns that we players care about. ^^

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Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Moon.7310


I am not sure if this bug is completely fixed. Sometimes my Glacial Eye disappears and only is shown again if I logg out and in again. Sure it is easy to fix but something still seems to spook the Eyes of the Elementalists.
Screenshot was done today when it happend again.


Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

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Posted by: Katreyn.4218


If you’re still experiencing this, can you provide additional details on exactly which helm you combined your gem with?

We put in a fix for this issue with the 1/28 build, and I personally transmuted my flame eye onto another helm (and it worked fine), so it might just be specific armor pieces that are still causing problems.

Thanks, everyone!

I know this is an old thread, but since I haven’t found any new ones pertaining to the glitchiness of the Elementalist Eyes I thought I’d necro this.

I have noticed my Elementalist’s Stone Eye disappears on occassion still to this day (I’ve been noticing it more frequently lately now that I’ve seen the pattern that causes it to disappear).

Scenarios that cause it to disappear: Going underwater, when it reapplys the headgear when you go back on land it does not seem to apply the graphic. Also, using Waypoints (within the same map, and to another map) cause it to disappear.

Though it can easily be readded by triggering it on/off. It still is a little buggy.

My character is a female Sylvari if that helps any. It is transmuted to an exotic armor piece, with exotic rune.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)