Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khaos.6512


I just noticed that the Flame Trap skill for my ranger states it will take 12 seconds to cooldown, yet after using the skill it takes 24 seconds to cooldown. This started occurring after the November 15th patch.

Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khaos.6512


I should also mention that the Trap Potency trait no longer appears to be working either. The tooltip correctly changes from a 15 second cooldown to a 12 second cooldown, but the real cooldown is still stuck between 24 or 25 seconds.

Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kate.1745


I’m seeing this with flame trap aswell… this should be hotfixed asap. This kind of bug is just embarrassing.

Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: garethh.3518



Ironically in the patch they were addressing the ranger’s problems…
Not a good sign after the whole shortbow auto attack debacle, showing that they can and will stealth nerf necessary things to the majority of ranger specs…

Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Today with this patch its been a little upsetting. Another over nerfed mmo = unhappy player base…

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Flame Trap cooldown doubled as of Nov 15th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kate.1745


It appears they hotfixed this in the later last nights patch, thank you!