Forging the Pact bug still...

Forging the Pact bug still...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Martym.6971


Cannot progress. It bugged for me, going into the cave rescuing the 2nd team of researchers. I didn’t notice it bugged until I made it all the way through the cave, and there was no green star to go to, to progress the event script visible on the map.

No one died, including me. I did hit a downed state about 3 times, but managed to get a kill each time to pop me back up, Trahearne and none of the NPCs died, I don’t believe.

Cannot progress, and this is getting extremely tedious..mainly because it takes about 20-30 minutes per try, to get up to that point, only to realize it bugged again, and I have to start over.

(edited by Martym.6971)

Forging the Pact bug still...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I couldn’t complete this until the last time they fixed this mission. There is an npc you arrive at that is dead and you can rezz him. After that the 3 npcs behind him also become rezzable. Once I did that, then I completed the explosion. When I arrived at the cave the event started up fine for me where it was blocked on previous attempts.