Forging the pact disconnect

Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lost Dragons Tail.3760

Lost Dragons Tail.3760

Every time I take a character through forging the pact I get disconnected and have to start over, some times multiple times, when the cut scene happens as you leave the cave. I have sent multiple in game bug reports but I don’t even know if they get to the right place since I have to report after the fact after I relog in.
It lets me see the cut scene all the way through then disconnects me to character choice. I have tried different things, different ways and it doesn’t seem to have a rhyme or reason that I am seeing.
I have several more alts I need to take through and it is just kittening me off more and more each time I take one because you don’t allow us to skip it or give us an quicker way to do this long tedious episode.

Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


It could be some sort of network connection problem that triggers during the cutscene, so it might be worth following this guide to see if you can diagnose that?

Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

While you are troubleshooting, start a support ticket to work directly with ANet. If you resolve things before you hear back, you can cancel the ticket.

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Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lost Dragons Tail.3760

Lost Dragons Tail.3760

I find it odd that it would be a network problem only at that specific cut scene. Plus I have actually checked as best as I am able for network problems. Had a lot of problems when I first got the game but found out it was the computer. About the only time I have ever disconnected or in essence got booted was when it was the busiest time of the day, in my area, and that has only happened 3 times since I got the game, and I have played it since beta. I didn’t even get kicked during the karka in LA chaos.
And as for a ticket, I probably should but I am sure they have lot more difficult and important things to check out. Plus I don’t have a char I plan on going through that in the immediate future so I have no way to check to see if it is working or not. Taking a char through that episode the second time has never caused me to be kicked just the first time I take a new char through.
I know there is a lot going on in Anet but since it happens a lot to me I thought I would at least post in bugs and they can check it at their leisure. I do have other alts to take through but have no plans on doing it in at least the near future with sab and the need to outfit other char with ascended.
But thanks for the suggestions.

Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


I’m sorry if I sounded dismissive or something: reporting it here is absolutely useful, and I’m glad you did it! I’m not super confident it’s a network problem either, but it’s easy enough to check on, and rule out — and if it turned out it was something funky there, that’d be nice.

I certainly hope that we all do figure out the root cause though!

Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Same issue here, I was leveling a new toon and I got the random DC at the same cut scene during “Forging the Pact”. The workaround I found was just to skip the dialogue all together and I could finally complete it after three tries. Well now I’m trying to complete “A Crack in the Ice” and I get DCd after the final boss encounter during the dialogue portion right before you would normally get credit for completing the mission. Tried twice already and same thing. Since there is no option to skip through in the new LS I’m basically stuck. I’ve submitted a help ticket and am also bumping this thread. Guessing not too many people are playing the older missions so maybe it’s not showing up on ANETs radar. The fact that I found someone else with the exact same issue within just a few days shows that chances are it’s an issue with the game and nothing on our end. I’ve checked everything I could on my system and there are no issues so please save the obligatory “it’s probably a connection issue on your end” responses. Thanks.

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Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


I’ve checked everything I could on my system and there are no issues so please save the obligatory “it’s probably a connection issue on your end” responses. Thanks.

Great. I’d love to hear what other debugging steps the ANet support team recommended on the ticket where you included those proofs, so that I can also suggest those things to people in future, rather than just network related things.