Fractals not Progressing

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Hey Anet! First of all, thanks for making a bloody amazing game!!!

Secondly, 4 other people and I did our level 2 Fractals last night. The first one we received was where you have to break the 6 seals on that large blue man. We completed this one in about 30-45 minutes. The second one was the grawl super priest murdering all of the humans and we did that one in 20 minutes. The third one we got was the swamp one and that took us 30-45 minutes.

After completion of this third Fractal, it transferred us to the jade sea one. We all left as we were done our 3 Fractals, but lo and behold, we did not receive credit.

After about 2 hours of fighting and at least 12 silver for armor repairs, this has got me quite irritated.

I thought that I would let you know about it and I hope that it does not happen again.

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mira.4906


I’m sorry to hear that all the effort you put into advancing to harder fractals was wasted but from what you have described I do not see any bug. The Solid Jade Sea is a bonus fractal that you have to complete on every even difficulty fractal to continue to advance to harder and harder difficulties.

Guild Leader for [Myth] Darkhaven

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Treeline.3865


Sindarin, you simply misunderstood the way it is setup. In order to get credit to level up you need to do a setup of 3 random fractals and possibly the Jade Sea one as you described. Had you finished this one, you would have been on to level 2 (By being returned to the “lobby” you first arrived in. Sorry you left, and I can understand the frustration.

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Ooooh, OK ty. I appreciate the responses.

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Treeline.3865


Ooooh, OK ty. I appreciate the responses.

It’s a mean dungeon

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest