Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Martyrvore.1702


Ever since the day after the ending of the Molten Facilities, my game experience has been absolutely broken. My friends list is broken, and only shows one or two people online at any given time, when in actuality there’s plenty more online. If I look at my guild tab, I’m the only person it says is online, despite the fact I’m running around with other members in my guild doing whatever. My party frame is broken beyond broken.

Party invites come from nobody, it’s just the basic party invite, minus a player name or account name. It’s just this. Those two people there visible in the screen shot are guild members, by the way. One of whom the invite was from, and both are also on my friends list, despite not being listed as online.

When I do accept party invites, I see zero portraits, 0 dots on the map/mini map marking their locations. Relogging or dropping party doesn’t fix the party issue like it used to, either, it still behaves as though I’m not even in a party. Relogging and rezoning actually just kicks me from the party entirely, however that doesn’t really matter anyway, because for all intents and purposes I’m not even in a party.

The guild thing is the least of my concerns, because we’re usually in mumble together anyhow, but as far as the party goes, it is detrimental. My dungeons/fractals group is a tight-knit group of five, so if one of us isn’t available, we don’t push fractals, and just grab a random to fill the last spot and just do a fractal 10 for the daily.

There is the rare chance where my friends list and guild likittennction properly, but the party is still broken and only shows one other party member, and I’m able to actually zone into dungeons or other regions and not be removed from the party, but these are few and far between. And even then, it’s still a huge crippling blow to myself, and my party. I can’t see peoples’ health bars, I can’t see peoples’ conditions, I don’t know when to shake it off and save someone’s life, or when to use my battle standard to resurrect a downed player. Sure, things can be called out in mumble, but it’s nowhere near as fast as my own reaction times when I’m able to see things for myself.

This issue I’m having with the guild list and friends list are annoying, yes, but my problem especially lies with the party issues I’m having. It’s literally holding everybody in my tight-knight group back from progressing, and this issue has been going on for far too long.

Is anybody else experiencing this? Is it a known issue? Is Arenanet working on a fix for it?

(edited by Martyrvore.1702)

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Strafe.2574



im having the exact same issue specially about the guild rooster it keeps showing me as the only one online and i cant use or see any guild chat.
whether its a known issue of if Arenanet is working on it i do not know..

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Martyrvore.1702


Guild chat works just fine for me, and I can see others chatting in there as well, even though they’re listed as offline. Maybe yours is just a more severe issue of what I’m experiencing then? Also, why are the words “list” and “function” censored when put consecutively?

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Siobhan.6027


I sent a bug report in about the problems with my friends list. They simply said thanks for telling us. No mention if/when they intend on fixing it.

Its been going on for over a week now…Its a bit ridiculous.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: pomp.7314


i am having exactly the same issue, im the only person showing as online in the guild roster despite fellow guildies chatting away in /g chat – none of my friends show as being online. i cant send party invites as my game doesnt recognise anybody as being online and when i receive party invites (exactly the same as the OP) and accept an invite i cant see if im even in a party – to me it looks like i had rejected the invite – but them im told that im in the party, even though i cant see any party member details or see people on the map.
I have submitted a support ticket in the hope that something will get sorted, but nothing yet – i really hope this gets sorted soon as its really having an impact on my game now

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Unknown.2796


Party is broken 10/11 times when I start doing fractals with guildies, it doesn’t update who’s joining the party and things like that. Often I need to rejoin to see who’s in it.

I am always offline in guild roster according to other guildies even though I am on the online status.

Location, location, location.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: ZeroPoint.9285


UGH… I keep having the same problem multiple times a day. Guild window showing me as only member in guild, can’t talk in guild chat. Run repair which helps about half the time, but being logging in and out also works I’m assuming that’s just coincidence.

All I know is anet should be making this a priority… players should NOT have to spend over a half hour logging in and out til their guild window works (which I’ve been having to do for the past few days)… and if they think it’s not a big deal because it doesn’t effect gameplay… then they should try running around with a guild that’s coordinated and active in wvw not being able to tell their guildies from all the pugs because their names are the same color.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: AlexisRosewood.4210


I have this problem daily. If it’s any help, I run Disc Cleanup and it solves the problem. I figure you gotta buy BL keys to play the game. ^^

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Bamjam.2046


Hey guys,
Im having the same issues as you guys mentioned.
Guild tab not showing people online.
Guildies locations are unknown.
Party ui bug.
Getting kicked from party from time to time while my guildies dont kick me.
Friend list showing people offline.

And i even got issues with commander tags from guildies not showing up since they have an unknown location.

All of this started when the update for MF came in.

I did some google work and found some posts saying to delete the .DAT file from your g2 folder on hard disc. So i just deleted it and now the game is downloading the files again.
Will keep you all informed if it worked or not.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: AlexisRosewood.4210


I’ve gone through the trouble of uninstalling and reinstalling GW2 in hopes that this issue will be resolved. I only just realized how crippling it is to multiplayer gameplay to not have a guild to chat in, especially in Guild Wars. :P

Anet just fix this lol

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Yogi.9053


I have had the same issue this morning (8AM PST) playing from NA on an EU server. It started like a week ago and it has been going on and off since then.
Last night I did ‘-repair’’ in the client shortcut but it did not help.
I was just connected now and it seems to work fine but I hope it is a real fix.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Bamjam.2046



So i deleted the local.DAT file yesterday, had to download like 15gig again and i logged in today to find that my guild tab, party UI and the other stuff are still bugged.

Removing the file didnt help me anything…. gonna try cleaning my hard disk later today.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Katz.5143


Guild chat works just fine for me, and I can see others chatting in there as well, even though they’re listed as offline. Maybe yours is just a more severe issue of what I’m experiencing then? Also, why are the words “list” and “function” censored when put consecutively?

It censored the last two letters of list and the first two letters of function. If you put those four letters together you can see what it censored.

If you resolve your problem, please do let us know in this thread how. It could be useful to others with the same problem.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Sanlucifer.1742


Any words on how to fix this issue? i invite friends and they dont appear in the map, some quests or fractals are really hard to do this way, also locations are “unknown” in guild it says offline and is online or not representing and he is, etc.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Leetsura.3507


Having myself showing as ‘offline’ and my location as ‘unknown’ in guild list to some of the guild members but not all…

Even after relogging via character select screen and from the ‘exit to desktop’ option.

My party can’t see my blue dot on the maps. We’ve tried all sorts of ways to team up but it just won’t work.

Guild chat works fine though.

Gonna swim with the big fish. You’re gonna get your wish. Ooooooo. Little barracuda.
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Martyrvore.1702


Still experiencing this problem. Is there going to be an official response to this, even a “we’re looking into the issue?”

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Lola.1495


This just started happening to me about an hour ago after having no issues all day long. Re-logging and restarting the game client didn’t help. What a pain in the butt.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Luin.9156


Yeah, this is happening to me now, too. :/

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: JackEGC.7261


I’ve been having this problem since the 19th of this month after a small update. Exiting the game and restarting the client sometimes corrects the issue….other times, not. I’ve repaired the install, but the problem persists. Sent multiple reports. So far no answer from Anet.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: excessive.1256


Same problem here

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: MaiYun.3147


I won’t be able to play till later today…
I wonder if Anet fixed any of those bugs?

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Sanlucifer.1742


I dont understand how this is not a priority to fix, just cant understand lol..

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Sarseth.7689


+500. Most important aspect of game doesnt work. If I knew that there will be so many problems with that I wouldn’t spend for this game so much. And for sure woudln’t buy gems.. And won’t till this bug is repaired.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

You should all get used to this, this bug has been ingame since January, it has been reported 100’s of times with screenshots and other examples, and it still goes unfixed, so they either know about it ( pretty hard for them not to ) and don’t know how to fix it, or are not interested, as they have another farming location and drops to nerf,

Its amazing how game breaking bugs like this can be ignored for months, without even a dev acknowledging it.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: phoenix.3740


i agree, they clearly aren’t willing to devote more resources on it due to lack of response.

This issue gets spread like a virus new people seems to get it all of a sudden. It is not just the person effected that is annoyed. Everyone in the party is annoyed. Other people in the guild gets annoyed if guild chat is not working properly.

Maybe i see Anet’s reasoning.

Can’t enter dungeon instance? Why not Solo it! its a perfectly workable solution.
Can’t see other party members? Who needs them, solo it!
Can’t see friends? Keep track the old fashioned way, pen and pencil.
Can’t chat in guild? Friends are unnecessary, it is called single player mode!

It is no wonder Anet doesn’t consider this highest priority, all perfectly workable workarounds are in place. You can do so many other activities in this game but the catch is you need to do the activities by yourself. Ok, at least you get to talk to random strangers in the vicinity and 1 friend you can whisper to vent your frustration.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: HunterWolf.7356


This bug is game breaking for me… 90% of the things I do on this game I do with my guild both pve and wvw. Having to log in and out repeatedly just to fix this is stupid. Why arnt any Devs even acknowledging this bug let alone fixing it? Do they not care that people are rage quitting because of this and the seemingly lack of effort to do anything about it.

I might be wrong, maybe they are trying and just you know… forgot to tell us or something ><

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Meili Var.4179

Meili Var.4179

Same problem and it is intermittent, sometimes no communications work, sometimes part of them do, party formation is ridiculously impossible.. This problem became really became bad when Southsun started again. Got to the point today where I tried to logon and it said I did not have permissions. I notice this trouble will be a harsh one when I try to access the TP and it says invalid authorisation. After that, sometimes I cannot log back onto the game for a varying degrees of time.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

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Posted by: Gergolot.4217


This same issues happens to me after every patch, normally for the next day or so. Has started like the OP for a month or so.

It is extremely annoying and needs to be fixed asap. Especially with things like LS, with a new patch constantly. I can barely have a good gaming day without an error pop-up and my FL/ Guild panel and chat box all refreshing every 10 mins.