FrostBow, deep freeze stuns for 3 sec., not 5

FrostBow, deep freeze stuns for 3 sec., not 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrJefferson.1704


The elementalists Conjured Frostbow skill #5 (Deep freeze) does not last for 5 seconds. Instead this skill lasts for approximately 3 seconds. This is contradictory to what the tooltip actually display’s.

I don’t recall this being intended with the past frostbow nerfs. As this was not mentioned in the announcement, the stun should still have a duration of 5 seconds.

If this stun nerf was in fact intended, please change the tooltip accordingly.

If not intended, please change the duration of this skill accordingly.

This “bug” is especially annoying for PvP and have been around since the otherwhise wel-announced damage nerf of the frostbow.


A pvp elementalist.


(edited by MrJefferson.1704)

FrostBow, deep freeze stuns for 3 sec., not 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrJefferson.1704


It’s been, like, a year. You’ve made the Frost bow more usefull but still haven’t done a thing about skill 5 (deep freeze).
It still stuns for only 3 secs.