Frostfang Graphical Bugs - List

Frostfang Graphical Bugs - List

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sledge Stone.9017

Sledge Stone.9017

These bugs have been annoying me ever since I got Frostfang. Since some other Legendary weapons have recently had their effects overhauled, I would love to point out this issues with Frostfang and hopefully encourage a dev to give Frostfang a much needed overhaul.

Here is a link showing examples of all the graphical issues with Frostfang:

1) Frostfang offhand transparency. Offhand is too transparent, it often looks like half of arm effect is missing. The transparency is extremely noticeable on offhand arm when viewed from above.

2) Frostfang drawn animation. The Frostfang draw animation is often too small to be noticed unless zoomed in.

3) Frostfang drawn animation 2. The Frostfang draw animation does not appear at all for offhand.

4) Frostfang arm effect does not scale. The Frostfang arm effect does not scale with gauntlets equipped. All non skin tight gauntlets are affected by this. Instead of encasing the gauntlet the Frostfang arm effect is a set size and often looks like small ice obtrusions due to clipping.

5) Frostfang arm effect does not scale for Charr. As a Charr, the Frostfang arm effect is still scaled to a human size. This affects all charr with or without gauntlets equipped.

6) Frostfang arm effect does not scale for Charr gauntlets. Since the arm effect is so minimal on charr, any gauntlet almost guarantees that the icy arm effect will not be visible.

7) Frostfang footsteps for Charr bug. Often a charr will run on all fours. With Frostfang you will often only see 3 footsteps when running on all fours with an occasional extra missing step knocking it down to 2 footfalls. This is more noticeable walking on two legs as a third step will often not produce a footfall and in some cases half the footfalls that should be produced when rapidly running back and forth simply do not appear.

I would also like to request that instead of just fixing these graphical issues, give Frostfang a complete overhaul. I love the footfalls as they are, but I’d love for them to be consistent and plentiful for my charr. I always felt that Frostfang doesn’t have as much visible appeal as the other legendary weapons. The draw animation is far too subtle. I honestly never noticed it for the first month I had Frostfang. The trails from the weapon itself are nice but are not that noticeable when compared to something like Australia. Also the weapon itself could benefit from a frosty aura like the Corrupted Skeggox has (aka old tooth of frostfang). A frosty version of the Predator’s aura for the character would be amazing too.