Frozen Maw

Frozen Maw

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SonicXZero.7956


I’ve done my fair share of doing the world bosses meta events at the stormbluff isle server but recently I’ve been having this problem exclusive to the Frozen Maw event, wherein I would get this huge lag and I would get disconnected right in the middle of battle and just minutes ago while doing the event I got this huge input lag where I just stood there watching everyone kill everything as I kept pounding on my keyboard but nothing happens, only after the event did my character started attacking with nothing left.

Frozen Maw

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: miniL.7361


Skill lag, been complaints about this a lot, but I am unsure what arenanet is doing to stop this. In fact I wonder about a lot of bugs and exploits which stick around for so long….

They gotta get more crew for bug fixing, A LOT more….

Skill lag in PVE isnt all that often, but try WvW and its there almost every day for a few hours.
Was stated that keg brawl has a throwing exploit, scoring from over half the map, but has been for a long time now.
Trek has been around quite a while and often has the bug that the circle hasnt spawned where it should be, ruined quite some Guild mission Treks so far.
Super adventure box has crocodiles that wont shut their mouth after being hit several times.

And well this is a small portion of the problems, I just dont think they have the manpower to get things bugfree for 95%