Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Warchief Shadow.5346

Warchief Shadow.5346

I have always wondered what the cause to the bug might be, i heard a few times its caused when some player tries to aggro extra mobs to brogun (those random sons of svanir scattred about between the homestead and the totem location) to attack brogun, which then apparently i was told the svanirs reset and brogun’s AI so im told wants to attack them but cant, though i do not really beleive this is the case, and merely something to do with other nearby events currently in action aswell, though i may be wrong there aswell.

I wouldn’t look for reasons like that. There are many, many events and event chains broken. It seems that there is a basic design fault and when the events glitch, as they are almost bound to do, they stay glitched until a server restart.

The maw seems to be the only broken event right now, i havent seen or heard about any other events currently broken, or at least on my server there doesnt seem to be, everything other then maw seems to be working as intended.

The path of the warrior only goes forward.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Mespilia.2896


I have always wondered what the cause to the bug might be, i heard a few times its caused when some player tries to aggro extra mobs to brogun (those random sons of svanir scattred about between the homestead and the totem location) to attack brogun, which then apparently i was told the svanirs reset and brogun’s AI so im told wants to attack them but cant, though i do not really beleive this is the case, and merely something to do with other nearby events currently in action aswell, though i may be wrong there aswell.

I wouldn’t look for reasons like that. There are many, many events and event chains broken. It seems that there is a basic design fault and when the events glitch, as they are almost bound to do, they stay glitched until a server restart.

The maw seems to be the only broken event right now, i havent seen or heard about any other events currently broken, or at least on my server there doesnt seem to be, everything other then maw seems to be working as intended.

If you looked around you certainly would find them on all servers. Sadly, there are very many. You either have not come across them or don’t know they exist. For example, I doubt there’s a server where the Defeat the shadow behemoth series is working in Queensdale. But the Frozen maw series, Collect armor scraps and bring them to Rani so he can build a snowman army to scare the grawl event and the Kill the grawl shamans animating the elementals threatening the lodge event are bugged more often than not. They will work again after a server reset and then it’s a matter of luck how long it takes for them to bug again.

I don’t want to see overly critical of Anet but it’s becoming a bit of a bad joke now.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: poIOcySA.7109


Any idea when this would be fixed? its my favourite event to frequent in the game, I spend a LOT of copper to teleport into the waypoint from my quest locations so its a bit annoying when I teleport in and see its still stuck…its starting to cost me a lot now because of this…A ETA would be great.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Aedros.1439


yep, going on at least 9 days on FC…no reason we should have to wait until January 28 for the update/server restart which would mean the maw would be down for over 2 weeks…gotta be a fix for this event besides a server restart

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: hyperstrike.9560


This was bugged on Sea of Sorrows a few months back, and was stuck for approximately a month or more.

It is now now happening to other events on SoS, such as the submarine mission in the Plains of Ashford — the separatists have been attacking the based for several days now, stuck at 80% completion.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

If Jeffrey can’t replicate the conditions of the bug he can’t fix it. But I agree that there is something in the event base code that is designed wrong. I’ve noticed a couple events that try to start before they’re finished which tells me that something isn’t setting or reading the event flags, no checks in place to make sure that certain things are accomplished, etc.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: JackCast.9387


This bug is happening again, Brogun stuck at totem. Says “heads to the maw to investigate the grawl”.

Server: Anvil Rock

Is there a better way to get someone’s attention and fix these issues? I have been complaining in game and I thought there was always someone watching these servers, but I guess not.

Is the answer to just stop loggin in, maybe…. then the developers might wonder why noone is playing their game or better yet buying stuff from their microtransactions.

….going back to diablo 3 hmm.

Note: We are here to play the game not help fix the game which souldn’t still be broken. If you designed the game, but have no idea how to fix it, we’re screwed then.

(edited by JackCast.9387)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Mespilia.2896


Tickets and comments from here apparently go to the developers. Apparently. It’s unclear if they actually get them or if they attach any importance or resources to fixing broken events etc, the evidence would say no. Sorry but that’s how it seems.

It’s fairly standard practice for MMO developers to lose interest in the basics but spend their time creating the next “awesome” additions. I am mindful of a bugged quest in WoW that never was fixed in 4 years and was eventually removed from the game.. Seems that ANet are following the tradition.

Major new areas and holiday items have been added but very basic things have been left unfixed. There are sometimes “promises” of fixes being “soon” but I have not seen any despite some of those promises being months old.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: JackCast.9387


We’re Not Yelling Loud Enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Wheels are falling off, who cares about the new padded seat you’re workin on installing!

How about a quick fix for now, inject a line of code to reset MAW while you work out the bugs. it can’t be that hard to reset Brogun.

(edited by JackCast.9387)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Mespilia.2896


I was told that the ability of the GMs to reset an event was not possible. Sounds weird but…

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Shaolin Steve.1358

Shaolin Steve.1358

We should all report the bug in game as a bug. Maybe an uptick of support tickets will trigger some action. It’s been 10 days with no Maw.

No mo Maw?

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Mespilia.2896


I have on multiple occasions and so have many others. Just adds to the evidence that there is little if any interest in bug fixing events. There are many more than this event/chain broken. I suppose they’re overwhelmed.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Phatt Dude.7538

Phatt Dude.7538

Aside from Jeffrey Vaughn’s interest in this topic, I find the silence from support to be deafening. I’ve read in some of the other veins on the forum that some feel the rewards for the Frozen Maw event were too rich, and in the grand scheme of things destructive to the game economy. I’ve read complaints that Wayfarer’s is frequently filled with level 80’s who belong (sic) in Orr, or somewhere else other than starter zones. Now with the much anticipated content add coming, the statement that primary zones effected will be Wayfarer’s and Diessa Plateau, and a suggestion that dailies will now be rotational, to spur interest in the rest of the map, I am left wondering if the Frozen Maw event being bugged right now is merely a symptom of Anet’s solution to what some see as a problem. I don’t really have a problem with that, if that is in fact what is going on. I wish if that were the case, someone aside from Jeffrey would weigh in and say so. We could then all go on our way knowing the cause and duration of the problem. We would willing endure the “Pardon our Dust” signs while our beloved game was being improved.

I do feel I need to respond to critics of the status quo here too. I am one of the level 80 people who frequent Wayfarer’s. I bring other people, guild mates and total strangers, to Wayfarer’s because of the rich content, and balance of rewards to effort. I think exchanges between level 80’s and level 5’s is part of what makes this game great. The level 80’s get an easy shot in the arm that they have helped and inspired someone to stay in the game and develop a strong character, and the level 5’s (we hope) get a sense of the ethics of trust and helping the game instills. The remarks about rewards destroying the games economy fall flat on me, since largely my experience with these rewards is a quick trip to the merchant to convert them to cash, so that I can buy things to make armor and weapons that I feel are a custom fit for my characters. I seldom use armor from drops to cloth my characters, instead I equip them by learning all eight crafts which further fuels the games economy.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


We’re actively working on it, but without being able to determine HOW it broke, it’s a tricky process. Without a way to reproduce the issue on a test server, I can’t be sure that the fix is good. Also, note that actual “content” updates are on a monthly schedule at the moment, so if an issue isn’t fixed immediately, it doesn’t mean that we don’t know or care about the bug, but we need time to run new fixes through testing before it goes live. (And there is lead time, so anything I fixed right now wouldn’t make it into the January update.) I’m not all bad news, though. I’ve added some safety checks to these events to make them more reliable, but unless I can repro the bug to test my fix, I can’t provide an accurate ETA.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Shaolin Steve.1358

Shaolin Steve.1358


Thanks for the update. That is very sensible and helps us to alleviate our worry about the gameplay being broken on purpose.

Best of luck to you and your support team as you reproduce and fix this issue!

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Edmo.7159


I thought with the Flame and Frost update this event would no longer exist… so if you are fixing then it means that the Norns will not flee to the south and the frozen lake will not be affected… :s

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

We’re actively working on it, but without being able to determine HOW it broke, it’s a tricky process. Without a way to reproduce the issue on a test server, I can’t be sure that the fix is good. Also, note that actual “content” updates are on a monthly schedule at the moment, so if an issue isn’t fixed immediately, it doesn’t mean that we don’t know or care about the bug, but we need time to run new fixes through testing before it goes live. (And there is lead time, so anything I fixed right now wouldn’t make it into the January update.) I’m not all bad news, though. I’ve added some safety checks to these events to make them more reliable, but unless I can repro the bug to test my fix, I can’t provide an accurate ETA.

I’ve read this very same statement dozens of times and it leads me to believe that the “Test Servers” do not reproduce the same data as live and that perhaps more time could be spent experiencing the issues on live to get a deeper understanding of issues. It seems more time is spent asking your customer base to send you information than is actually spent in the game experiencing the actual issues first hand. According to Anet not many issues raised have ever been able to be reproduced on the “Test Servers” so doesn’t that set off some bells?
If i pulled all the quotes saying you can’t reproduce this on “Test Servers” we could likely fill the boards…just saying.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Phatt Dude.7538

Phatt Dude.7538

The update Wednesday evening, appears to have repaired the problem with the maw string of event, and Rani’s snowman army, in the Sorrow’s Furnace world server. At approximately 8:30PM EST, Brogun emerged from the lodge to see what was up with the Grawl becoming more aggressive. I followed the event thru to its end, and it ran smoothly without a hitch. Rani’s army event came up in the middle of the last event of the Frozen Maw, and I helped to complete that, as well as the event following where a grawl shaman turns the snowman army back on Rani’s. We destroyed the army before they moved much from their spots. So, thank you very much for the fix.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Phatt Dude.7538

Phatt Dude.7538

I’ve continued looking, and it appears the “Defend Ulfred” quest has also been restored on Sorrow’s Furnace. It was the quest where Ulfred carves an Ice Idol in the shape of a Norn for the grawl to worship. It had been hung up with Ulfred hopelessly stuck in caves, but is now working as well. Thank you very much again.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


It’s not an issue of the Test sever having different data, it’s not being able to determine how the event got in a bad state. When you expose an event chain to hundreds of thousands of players, one of them might do something you didn’t think was possible and/or didn’t account for. I’ve played this chain dozens of times and haven’t found a way to break it, so I’m just trying to make it as error-proof as I can. In the short term, it sounds like the server resets are at least restarting the chain.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Shaolin Steve.1358

Shaolin Steve.1358

It’s fixed also on Maguuma – protected Brogun from Charr and ill-tempered bosses.
We have a new player in our guild and have been showing him the ropes. Now we have a new boss for him to take down.

Thanks for the assistance in getting these events restored!

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Rani’s event (armor collection) has an issue where sometimes he runs out of the house and goes through his speech but it is premature and so the armor isn’t collectible. It happens before the Hunting Party goes to attack the grawl. It always corrects itself after that; he runs back into the house, then immediately back outside and does his speech again.

edit from observations:
Just watched as Rani’s event was starting while the Grawl Shamans weren’t dead yet(defeated them before the following. Level 15 elementals were attacking (not the ones from the snowmen), Vendrake and his hunting party got into the fight, got defeated, and now Rani is prematurely started and the Maw event has begun. Now Rani’s event is reset and going correctly with some issues(he’s still asleep, Rani is outside, and Etta is fluffing a pillow – see last screenshot). Something is definitely wrong with this one and I wouldn’t be surprised if it glitched the Maw occasionally somehow.

Since it is tied into the Frozen Maw somehow I thought this would be important info.


(edited by Lil Puppy.5216)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: MRA.4758


It’s not an issue of the Test sever having different data, it’s not being able to determine how the event got in a bad state.

That’s an understandable problem, but I am a little bit astounded that you cannot reproduce how (and at which step) an event got stuck on each individual server from your logging data.

You seem to have pretty accurate logging data when it comes to economic exploits or misbehavior of players. In my opinion, you should have at least the same amount of data for the DE system (which, after all, can be seen as one of the key pillars of your game). And the (still) numerous events that are stuck for all the different reasons are, in my eyes, the one big problem of GW2 PvE. Save the merchants from the Bloody Buccaneer kidnappers anyone?

Hence, I’d encourage you to have such a DE logging system implemented (or improved). It should be a relief for your work, and you shouldn’t have to rely on our flawed observations on when what broke how.


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

(edited by MRA.4758)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Ok, seriously look into Rani’s event chain connection, the level 15 elementals are bugging his event. You don’t really need those elementals in the first place as they’re for a different event (the frozen maw), have those assault Krennek’s Homestead instead of Vendrake’s or something, they’re destroying the continuity of Rani’s event.


Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Mespilia.2896


The event is blocked on 4 servers that I know of without the elementals being involved at all.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Ok, seriously look into Rani’s event chain connection, the level 15 elementals are bugging his event. You don’t really need those elementals in the first place as they’re for a different event (the frozen maw), have those assault Krennek’s Homestead instead of Vendrake’s or something, they’re destroying the continuity of Rani’s event.

That looks to me where it’s getting stuck, several times I have come through there and about 50 elementals are standing around, not attacking anything, but if you attack them, they fight back and they die, then they just lay there…forever. I’ll come back through later and they’re still laying there so idk if someone else came and wiped them out too or if it was the same ones. Also when they’re standing there, there has never been any indication of an event going on for them (when I was around anyway).
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Those elementals(lvl 15) are actually attacking the homestead – the door SHOULD be closed but it never is, they’re trying to break it down (like the wurm event to the north). It is just an interdependent piece of another event but because the events ARE NOT SYNC’d they interfere and overlap with one another.
If you are an AOE class you can safely attack them without them turning on you(most times) – just don’t fear them or use control affects, that’ll get their attention – though you will never get any experience from killing them.

On the servers where The Frozen Maw is bugged, do those elementals show up anymore at Rani’s house or not (If Rani’s quest is not bugged) ?

Yes, they lay there forever in their dead form, sometimes they get removed but usually they just stay there. Vendrake is always crippled despite that he isn’t supposed to be until he gets to the Grawl cave; it’s a 1 hour affect and it never gets removed when the event starts.

Again, if the elementals are attacking at the start of Rani’s event chain, it temporarily bugs out because the hunting party gets slaughtered by the elementals at the doorway and never make it to the Grawl cave (Vendrake uses his skill on the elementals, yells “They’re too strong!” and retreats back to his bed). This prematurely starts Rani’s armor collection event but since certain conditions weren’t met it doesn’t actually start (he stands in the field with the collection icon but nothing is collectible). Then the event restarts (someone usually kills the elementals before this point) and the hunting party goes to the cave properly, gets wiped (regardless of player intervention keeping the party alive), Vendrake uses his skill to knockback all the grawl, shouts “They’re too strong!” and retreats to his bed starting the dialog between Rani and Etta(his mom) – he is still standing in the field right now… When the dialog is over, he comes running back into the house and then immediately back out to the field and talks to the Raven. At this point the event is ready for player interaction.

In any case, the Frozen Maw always bugs at the moment when Brogan stops talking and the Totem should have either spawned complete and attackable (it usually is destroyed when Brogan gets there already), or is complete and becomes attackable.
The trick is to find the trigger condition for what happens to make it not trigger the attackable status. Complications arise when two non-sync’d events are connected.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

I just figured out how Rani’s event gets bugged.

Check Maguuma right now 10:36pm pacific.

Someone killed the large group of ‘invulnerable’ grawl somehow that get scared of the Norn ‘snowman’ army and that stops progress because their checkpoint can never be achieved (check into why they were killable and you’ll find the bug). They never report back meaning the shaman never comes out and spawns elementals from them and enabling the event to progress.


Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Drunken Leki.9348

Drunken Leki.9348

On Gandara server i had just done the “Destroy the dragon totem” part but the NPC died from condition damage (i think) at the exact same time it finished.

I revived the NPC as the champ shaman starting coming and and then spoke to the NPC at the exact time he said “we have to interrupt the ritual”

Now it is broke as NPC just stands there and champ shaman just stands there like in the screenshot.

I came back later and the champ shaman is gone but the event and NPC are still stuck.

I notice from other events i have broke in the past it is mostly from getting NPC’s killed at bad times. maybe make some of them invincible as its annoying having around 20% of the dynamic events in this game broken after a few days and having to wait for a patch and servers to reset.


Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Interesting. I’ll see if I can repro the break Monday. Thanks!

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: digitalencore.9620


A lot of events have been broken in this manner, actually. I just broke AC p2 yesterday when the NPC died from Gravelings entering the final chamber with the 3 traps she has to repair. After rezzing her, she just stood there. I can’t think of any others off the top of my head, but I know I’ve seen more than one event break when an NPC dies at the wrong time.

Bronn Wolfbourne — Ranger
Get of Fenris (GoF)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeahanne.5209


Digital I think I’ve had that problem too, a lot actually. If you mean where the Charr NPC gets stuck occasionally between waves of ghosts, or sometimes before, and she just stands there and won’t initiate the next part of the dungeon (or start repairing the next trap/cannon thing). You can sometimes unfreeze her by luring mobs to her and having them kill her, then resing her. That seems to reset her AI and she will usually start moving again. Also, you can sometimes unfreeze her simply by having her attack and kill (or rather helping her kill) whatever mob she was aggro-ed on before she got stuck. If those don’t work, you usually end up stuck having to redo the path.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Grezko.7950


A lot of events have been broken in this manner, actually. I just broke AC p2 yesterday when the NPC died from Gravelings entering the final chamber with the 3 traps she has to repair. After rezzing her, she just stood there. I can’t think of any others off the top of my head, but I know I’ve seen more than one event break when an NPC dies at the wrong time.

Well that bug is about something else. If Detha (the NPC) activates the dialog with the ascalonian captain and THEN is attacked (does not matter if it gets killed) by a graveling or an ooze the bug occurs. It is easily reproducible and happens every time. Workaround is to run to one side of the room as soon as you enter in order to force Detha to port to your location and avoid fighting any mobs – after that wait for the mobs to reset to their original positions and then lead detha to the middle of the room to start the dialog with the captain.

In all fairness i haven’t tried to reproduce the bug for 2 weeks+ now so not sure if the “end of wintersday” patch fixed it. And tbh i have no intention of trying to – the bug hampers any further progress of AC.

Officer of Executed [EXE] from Piken Square.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Yareon.2835


About Detha in path2: why don’t guys take 5 more minutes to kill the gravelings and oozes on the way to the room?
They drop at least 10 silver (14 with omnomberry bar), it gives you a danger-free road to come back if somebody dies and it prevents you to loose 5 or more minutes to have her die if she bugs out.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


About Detha in path2: why don’t guys take 5 more minutes to kill the gravelings and oozes on the way to the room?
They drop at least 10 silver (14 with omnomberry bar), it gives you a danger-free road to come back if somebody dies and it prevents you to loose 5 or more minutes to have her die if she bugs out.

Fairly sure you are wrong about the 10s. 5s maybe.

As for the other reasons. At least for me I’ve never seen anything definitive about the cause. Some people say if the event triggers while she is in combat, some say if she dies too many times between the spikes and the canons(I might be confusing this with another dungeon path), and some have said if she fights that group at all. Given those possibilities the safest option is to completely avoid everything between the spikes and canon.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Woot, I think I got it. I found a very tiny window where Brogun could die to a condition in between events, which blocked progress. He’s now immune between events, and it appears to be working again. (I was able to break it reliably, but I can’t now.)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Nebilim.5127


Woot, I think I got it. I found a very tiny window where Brogun could die to a condition in between events, which blocked progress. He’s now immune between events, and it appears to be working again. (I was able to break it reliably, but I can’t now.)

This might be a fix to many stuck events in dungeons and overworld. That’s awesome news!

The world is teeming with unnecessary people.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Drunken Leki.9348

Drunken Leki.9348

Woot, I think I got it. I found a very tiny window where Brogun could die to a condition in between events, which blocked progress. He’s now immune between events, and it appears to be working again. (I was able to break it reliably, but I can’t now.)

Cool, glad my info helped then as i nearly didn’t bother posting it in the first place, maybe this fix could be applied to other events to stop them breaking then?

Also can i ask about the /bug command in game, does anyone actually read those reports and act on them as since the game came out i have submitted many from small bugs to bigger bugs but none have been fixed. I just want to know if i’m wasting my time.


Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


The in-game bugs don’t come directly to me, but they do make their way to me once QA has confirmed the bug. I know I’ve fixed several submitted bugs. Keep in mind that I’m just a content designer, though, so I can’t fix code/art bugs. : )

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Drunken Leki.9348

Drunken Leki.9348

@Jeffrey Vaughn

ok, are you responsible for Harathi Hinterlands map events too? i can tell you how i broke the whole Seraph Assault on Centaur Camps events ( ) which is a big event chain and final boss. Don’t know if its good to post it in the forums as it would probably lead to people purposely breaking it on all the servers so i could PM it you if you want or something?

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


It’s best if you submit it ingame via a detailed bug report. I get dozens of PMs every day, so I can’t answer them all. (Though I do read them.) I’m currently trying to clear out as many event bugs as possible, though (obviously) many of the fixes I’m working on now won’t hit until the NEXT major content update.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I notice some of the bugs are by server.

on Crystal Desert the Frozen Maw event is bugged now for days. stuck in the same phase.

but on other servers its working as intended.

could there be other bugs like this?

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Halbling.9530


Aaaand… Brogun’s stuck again on Ruins of Surmia.
Got stuck somewhen between 2013-01-04 22:00 and 2013-01-05 08:00 MEZ.


Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

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Posted by: Janto.5618


I can confirm this. Maw has not been functioning for THREE DAYS on the Crystal Desert server. We’ve submitted bug reports but there’s been no fix or region restart. Scholar Brogun is frozen and not advancing the event.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amarylis.5263


Same thing happened on the Ruins of Surmia Server. Maw is bugged for 3 or 4 days now, Brogun is just standing in front of the dragon statue and doing nothing.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Yes it’s usually like that, some servers had CoF event bugged, some had Arah gates event bugged, some have something else. This is why it seems really hard for them to actually find out what is causing these events to bug out as there seems to be some kind of unknown variable causing it which might also be connected to player actions in those regions. The best they can do is reset them on a patch, but they eventually get bugged again. Permanently fixing these for good might take a some time until they can somehow pinpoint the causes.

My server, Gandara, has had the Taidha Covington event bugged from what appears forever now. It just never seems to trigger.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kamidel.8065


Well It has happened again on Ferguson’s Crossing. Brogun is “Heading to investigate the grawl” the totem is still up too.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


This should be fixed in the next content update. I found a fairly obscure bug where Brogun would stall if he died to a condition immediately after the escort event ended.

(edited by Jeffrey Vaughn.1793)

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kamidel.8065


Isn’t the next content update February 26th? So we have to wait 2 and a half weeks for this event to come back? Please tell me I am missing something.

Frozen Maw Meta Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zymix.4690


I think Frozen maw is bugged, It never starts. (underworld)