Frustrating Mesmer Bug

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Oprah.1347


Not sure if this has been reported but I’ve been seeing this for a while and have finally remembered to post it.

I call it the glamour cooldown bug. Basically, cast a glamour skill like portal (have it on cd, which is 90 seconds base) and equip feedback (or another glamour skill) and that newly equipped skill will now be put on cooldown and the timer will match the CD of the portal at the moment it was equipped (which can actually result in feedback taking on greater than 40 second cooldown). Also for what it’s worth, this bug has happened to me the most when changing a manipulation utility to glamour (swapping decoy or blink for feedback/veil).

Anyone else run into this? Because I have, a lot

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Lunchbox.9543


All the time, one different professions using many different skills that aren’t from the same skill type (i.e. swapping a Survival skill with a Signet on my Ranger and still having the skill I changed be on cooldown.)

“I’m doing good in the game, so I’m doing good in life!”

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Oprah.1347


ahh nice so it’s not unique to mesmers. maybe that’ll make it easier to lock down

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Resolt.4206


When I switch to Illusionary Defender or Disenchanter while Portal is on CD this will happen too.

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: ayanomitsu.9147


I just wanted to give this topic a little bump because I’ve recently run into the same problem as the original poster although it’s happening to me literally every time I switch, for example, Blink and Feedback while Portal is still on its cooldown. It’s quite annoying!

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Elidath.5679


Just to add it isn’t specific to glamour. Blink in CD and slotting decoy does that too.

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Lady Minuit.3186

Lady Minuit.3186

This is happening to my boyfriend too on his mesmer. He reported the bug many times but nothing had been done. I was trying to find other people with the same problem in hope anet decides to do something. He gets this bug so often now that he doesn’t want to play his main anymore and made a warrior instead. Please anet fix this, this is game breaking!!!

Lady Minuit

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: tAzz.8497


Today i got hit by this bug, and ive googled it just to find its an 3 months old problem.
All those achievments updates live content etc and wep swap + mouvie, dungeon join and this utility slot bugs are like 3 4 months old from what i know. Why dont they fix that and then move to adding new grinding updates ?

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Chezzire.4326


This is still happening. When I use feedback and try to change a different utility slot to portal, e.g. signet of inspiration, it will show that my portal is on cd.

Please fix this bug. I don’t understand why different utility skills are sharing the same cool down. Is this because they are both glamour types?

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Kudane.6349


If I am reading this correctly, what you describing is not a bug…. IE.. if you use “Elite Skill #3” and while it’s on cool down try to switch to “Elite Skill #1” — It will animate like you swapped skills but it doesn’t because the Elite Skill Slot itself is still cooling down.

I’ve always seen specific utility skill slots not allow swapping while the slot is cooling down regardless of the ability in it.

That being said, if I’m mis-reading this, allow me to apologies now.

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

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Posted by: Nretep.2564


Afair the bug behaves like this:

  • Have Glamour [X] in utility slot #7; Have non-glamour [Y] in utility slot #8
  • Use Glamour [X]
  • Swap non-glamour [Y] with glamour [Z] in utility slot #8
  • Glamour [Z] in utility slot #8 will instantly be on cooldown with the same time as the previously used glamour [X] in utility slot #7.

Frustrating Mesmer Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tAzz.8497


@kudane this isnt about elite skills .
Best to describe it is CoF p1 runs where u use portal / signet/ blink , u get past bolders portal is on cd / mesmer uses signet for the gate guy/ blink is on cd. When the gate is done most mesmer switch blink – that is off cd now, with feedback for the last boss and there is the problem.
U can change blink – OFF CD with feedback but after u change it it takes the portal cd, somewhere around 30 40 secs .
So u start last boss with portal on cd / signet ready to buff ur party /an useless slot with feedback on 30-40 secs cd.
And btw i have a warrior friend and he gets the same cd problem where 1 utility slot shares the cd with a banner he just used. So devs have something to fix atm but i dont see it happening too soon.