Game crashes during personal story mission.
same problem here!
I have the same problem too.
My son’s account is also doing this.
5th report of this.
Crash right when the cutscene end. I tried twice.
I also have this issue, I tried re-installing and both 64 and 32 bit versions.
Hopefully they will care about their clients soon and not just ignore multiple people with the same issue.
This is exact thing is also happening to me.
Just did the quest with no issues after a small patch was downloaded. Good luck all
Yeah the quest finally worked for me as well.
Could one (or more) of you post the crash details shown after clicking “show details”? Please post them as attachments.
Thank you.
Well after several crashes and giving up to go do something else, he went back later in the evening and was able to finish the quest.
After yesterday update, it is now working and doesn’t crash.
I get D/Ced after playing in any darn story.. if im in the open world I play for hours and hours no problem, enter a story… play a bit, DC.. have to restart the instance. I gave up on strories… and soon the game if not fixed soon.
Count me in on this as well. During :A Fragile Peace" story mission, the game loses connection every time at the same spot. Right after the first set of mobs, there is a cut-scene, at the end of this cut-scene, the game loses connection. Repeatable.