GWAM Title... wont show up

GWAM Title... wont show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deadly.3298


I earned the God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title in GW 1 a few days ago. I have been trying very hard to get it on GW2 now.

I noticed on the wiki there is a known bug, where the title doesnt show up sometimes and it says to log onto the GW1 character to fix it, i have done this many many times.

All titles are in my Hall of monuments and i still do not have the title on Guild Wars 2, I really want it, any help is appreciated thanks.

(edited by Deadly.3298)

GWAM Title... wont show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

From the thread: GWAMM title does not show

Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Support Liaison
Update 05 August 2014
“I wanted to let you know that while a lot of the GWAMM issues were addressed last week, we are aware that a few of our players still are having issues displaying their hard-earned (and well-respected!) God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title.
This is a known issue and it is on the list for a fix. We will include notes about this fix in the Update Notes for the build in which we are able to fully correct this issue. You do not need to submit a ticket about this, the next (and hopefully final ) fix will set things right for everyone.
So, please:
Watch the update notes for upcoming builds.
After you see this fix in the notes, check your account and see if your title is showing.
Submit a ticket at that time _if you still are having difficulties with your title. However, according to the devs, the fix that is going out should get everyone in spiffy shape.
Thank you, once again, for your patience with this matter!”
Gaile Gray
Support Liaison

So they know about this and are looking for a fix for it.