Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fizzil.7814


Initially when i start up the game, everything looks fine, however when i play between 20 minutes to an hour the game slowly starts losing sound effects, icons and the UI stop displaying anything, its either blank or nothing appears at all, and NPCs and mobs just vanish and i can only see their names, and not the model, this is annoying as other art disappears like the stuff that highlights an NPC/Mob such as the circle beneath them, so i don’t know who am i attacking when fighting several mobs.

Has anyone experience this? I really would like to find out whats making this happen.

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sutgon.5402


Well, I’ve had some of those problems due to my GPU OC being unstable (GPU crashing and when recovering, some stuff was messed up like lightning or those mentioned circles) so I’m just guessing it has maybe something to do with your GPU failing/crashing? It could also be something else of course, but just a somewhat plausible guess.

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Have you tried running a different game? Preferably something that stresses your system (Or a stress test like Prime95 or Furmark)

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

I am having the same exact issue. I’ve checked everything I can check and everything is telling me my computer is cleaned up (no viruses or registry problems or anything) yet I’m having major problems seeing most things. My sound goes out as well. I’m not sure if it’s my gpu or something to do with my memory, as my problem appears to be that absolutely NOTHING wants to load. It comes and goes in spurts, but it seems like it’s not working at least 80% of the time for me. Are cut-scenes giving you problems as well? I’m stuck loading (my character just kind of stands there for an eternity after the cut-scene is supposed to start but nothing actually happens for a good 3 minutes. When they finally trigger, all of the audio is completely wonky.

(edited by Cacti Eleven.9135)

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Same question applies: do you have issues running other games?

Also, have you tried repairing your GW2 install?

If it effects other games/stress tests, it probably is a hardware issue. Those can be pretty hard to trouble shoot. Could be anything from heat to PSU to MB to GPU to CPU to RAM. I’ve had PSUs and RAM randomly fail on me causing really strange behaviour. You could try track it down by eliminating as many variables as possible:
Run a hardware monitor program while gaming and see if any components get abnormally hot
Remove GPU and use integrated graphics
If you have 2 or more sticks of RAM, remove one at a time
Use different RAM slots on your MB

Those are the easiest steps I can think of… after that, you may need to obtain/borrow a spare PSU, MB, etc. Or send it back to the shop.

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Can change the sound quality to fastest under game options, that may help.

Game slowly losing sound, UI, mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

Same question applies: do you have issues running other games?

Also, have you tried repairing your GW2 install?

If it effects other games/stress tests, it probably is a hardware issue. Those can be pretty hard to trouble shoot. Could be anything from heat to PSU to MB to GPU to CPU to RAM. I’ve had PSUs and RAM randomly fail on me causing really strange behaviour. You could try track it down by eliminating as many variables as possible:
Run a hardware monitor program while gaming and see if any components get abnormally hot
Remove GPU and use integrated graphics
If you have 2 or more sticks of RAM, remove one at a time
Use different RAM slots on your MB

Those are the easiest steps I can think of… after that, you may need to obtain/borrow a spare PSU, MB, etc. Or send it back to the shop.

Oh I’m absolutely positive it’s a hardware problem. All of this started occurring about a week ago. I know it’s not a heat issue and I don’t think it’s my gpu. It really does seem like loading things is the problem. I’ve ran tests on my RAM and cpu, but so far nothing has come back as “iffy”. I will try the things you suggested and see if I can narrow it down. Thanks for the suggestions!

I will add that changing my graphics settings to the lowest possible settings and turning my Sound quality down does nothing. It behaves this way regardless, which is why I think it’s more of a loading problem than a gpu problem.

(edited by Cacti Eleven.9135)