Gathering tools not in Equipment panel
Gathering tools not appearing in the Hero: Equipment panel.
Tools can only be changed or equipped by dragging directly from the inventory window onto the tool slot. Tools cannot be dragged from the tool slot into the Equipment panel either.
Broken only recently.
I can’t replicate your experience:
- I’m able to equip and unequip via right-click via [H]ero/Equipment panel or [I]nventory window.
- I’m able to equip by double-clicking from either window.
- I’m able to equip/unequip by dragging to/from either panel or window.
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”
Are you sure you’re not looking at the Wardrobe panel instead of the Equipment panel?
Never mind, it is only in Heart of the Mists / PVP Lobby.
Outside of that it works OK.