Getting DC in fractal... just get a new group

Getting DC in fractal... just get a new group

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MegaBUD.2097


I know you guys are pretty new to this “mmo” thingy but… you shouldnt punish player that bad… if i get DC or game crash I have to leave my group and try to get a new one…

You should fix this… give us time to log back in… i mean… this aint new in the mmo world…

You should hire more coding monkey… and maybe i will buy gems…

Theres so much bug in this game… and some of them are as old as beta 1…

Oh and maybe you should fix balthazar once and for all… been what… 4 months now?

And maybe rename the game RenderingWars 2… cause thats what it is in WvWvW.