(edited by Moderator)
Ghastly Longbow Bugged Glow [Merged]
I am not sure if this is intentional or not but its lame. I was so hyped during the time i was farming 300 Tears to get this dagger. When i finally got it and transmuted to my level 80 dagger it didn’t glow at night while my friend’s original Ghastly Dagger still glows…..
(edited by Hauntmachine.5136)
anyone else has this problem? Apparently its not the transmutation or could. I talked to someone who has a level 80 exotic Ghastly Greatsword and the animation worked fine. Now i am narrowing it down to Transmuting Ghastly Dagger specifically caused this.
It only glows if you are in the zone while it transitions from day to night and not if you log in or teleport to a zone thats already in night cycle. Hopefully its a bug
My ghastly shortbow also doesn’t emit the ‘ghastly effect’ when you attack or when the weapon is stowed (i.e. not drawn). I hope they fix it. While on the subject of ghastly weapon, the short bow doesn’t glow constantly. It fades in and fades out. Is it possible to have to constantly glowing like the axe/warhorn seen on the AC dungeon vendor
(edited by Achtius.4632)
So, it is as Lavish had said they only glow if you were in the zone during transition. That sucks lol, hope its a bug i want it to glow whenever the zone is night time and not only when it transition.
Bought that ghastly dagger without transmutting it. And it still doesn’t glow when it’s night time.
Tarnished Coast Asian Roamer
Just got both ghastly sword and ghastly dagger, they dont’ glow either
Thanks for the reports! We’re working on a fix for this issue.
For those who are curious about the cause, it appears that the bug is with the glow only being triggered if you’re in a map when it transitions from day to night, and won’t work if you go to a map where it’s already night.
— Live Response Embed —
Its nice to finally hear that you guys are aware of the problem. Are they suppose to glow in dungeons too? because mine do not.
You might also want to look into the “Carrion Flame” models for Charr as well
attacking/stowing the weapons turn off all particle effects they otherwise have!
This is the same with Destroyer weapons. No particle glow unless they’re unsheathed. They could stand to do with a more gaudy particle effect too, seeing how weak the effect is even when unsheathed. Its not worth the money/ resource sink for such a crappy effect.
The ghastly weapons only glow when I am in the area and it transitions to night. Shouldn’t they glow regardless if it transitions?
No, there special “feature” is to glow only at night.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
an easy fix, make them glow all the time!
One thing I was wondering about. Why are the weapons simply blue when they’re ‘sheathed’ and only get their ghostly mist effect when wielded?
Why not apply the ghostly mist regardless of it being sheathed or wielded?
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
good to see a dev response, cant wait for (hopefully) a fix soon!
After waiting a complete cycle, my sword and dagger was finally glowing, but when I switch back to my ghastly bow, it stopped glowing =_=;;
The Ghastly Shortbow acquired through the Ascalonian Catacombs Dungeon reward NPC (Historian Symon) at Lions Arch has a bug.
The texture that is meant to appear during the night doesn’t display once the weapon has been fired. If the weapon is replaced and then re-equipped the animation and texture re-appears, but then disappears once the above is repeated.
Here is a link to the weapon: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Shortbow
Here are some screenshots:
(edited by Milamber.9387)
I have same problem with bow:
Hi Jason King from Anet.
I can confirm that this problem occurs in all zones regardless of the zone being fixed for night, for example all dungeons are effected.
an easy fix, make them glow all the time!
Seriously, I would consider this, if you gonna take another month with fix
The Ghastly Shortbow acquired through the Ascalonian Catacombs Dungeon reward NPC (Historian Symon) at Lions Arch has a bug.
The texture that is meant to appear during the night doesn’t display once the weapon has been fired. If the weapon is replaced and then re-equipped the animation and texture re-appears, but then disappears once the above is repeated.
Here is a link to the weapon: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Shortbow
Here are some screenshots:
I have this same problem with the ghastly shortbow I dropped 390 tears on. Little did I know that the bows are the only weapons still bugged!? Jeez. How does this kind of thing pass unnoticed throuhg Q&A?
Can you give us an idea when it will be fixed?
After more than a month of the pitiful answer the glow keeps being bugged… wish I had not spend all the time getting the tokens + a fine transmutation stone for an effect that does not work.
I wonder how would the concerned people in charge of fixing bugs would feel if they invest +10 hours and get nothing in return… like their salary for example.
I can confirm that we do have a bug on this issue, but I don’t have a estimate of when it will be fixed yet. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
— Live Response Embed —
Is the ghastly longbow bugged? When the bow is equipped at night it glows blue and has a nice animation. However, as soon as you attack, the animation disappears and doesn’t come back. The bow stays blue but has no animation, even after weapon swapping. The only way to get the animation to start again is to unequip and then equip the bow (which is pointless because it will disappear again as soon as you attack).
Someone made a video of the bow here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgOasHuT_iE
You can clearly see how the animation stops once he attacks
(edited by Moderator)
I can confirm that we do have a bug on this issue, but I don’t have a estimate of when it will be fixed yet. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Is this ever going to get fixed!?
Also hoping that this gets addressed. As a casual gamer, this took me the better part of two weeks to get. I was pretty excited when I fist purchased it. That didn’t last long…
Ghastly greatsword still not glowing.
Majortroll- NZFS leader
I can confirm that we do have a bug on this issue, but I don’t have a estimate of when it will be fixed yet. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Yet another patch but still no fix on this…
Exploits get fixed in no time but things like this will probably never get fixed
I have the same bug with the Ghastly Shortbow. I know that this bug is from the launch of the game. After they fixed all other Ghastly weapons they didn’t fix the bows.
ANET please answer if a fix is in the works.
yea I saw that it doesnt glow on shortbow or longbow when u shoot.. its really strange… its glowing when un-equip it it glow a bit and when u start fire glow disspear
I can confirm that we do have a bug on this issue, but I don’t have a estimate of when it will be fixed yet. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
2 months later and the bug is still present with the Ghastly Short Bow. Can we get this looked in to? It’s the only reason to spend the amount of time and tokens for the bow, the skin, and for it not to work is awfully disappointing.
Bump, I really want to know if are there any plans to fix this or not, because otherwise I might just transmute it.
I recently got my Ghastly Longbow too. I figured that the only was to get the glow back after loosing it is to unequip it and equip it again. I hope they fix it soon.
The glowing effect on Ghastly Shortbow only shows up to until you give the first shoot and then it disappears very soon.
Is it a bug? Or it is just what the bow is supposed to be? But I saw others AC weapons is always glowing
(edited by vigoss.2096)
At night it should give of those sparky-thingies. It only gets blueish. Strange thing it sometimes glows properly. Or someone else sees the glow and i don’t at the same moment.
Not always, it glows only in dark how i know.. I have GS
Not always, it glows only in dark how i know
.. I have GS
when in dark or in the dungeon, it glows at first time, but after i use any skills of the shortbow, it does not glow any appears differently from normal condition
The animations still appear to be bugged. You pull the weapon out, and its all shiny/swirly but when you USE the bow – the animation disappears and does not come back even when you switch weapons, or put the bow away. You have to entirely unequip the Bow and then put it back on.
Any idea when this might be fixed???
Considering that it was reported as early as launch (or even beta?) I’d say… never.
Do you even lift, bro?
During night the ghastly shortbow only glows when first eqipped, after using any skill the shortbow then loses its glow and is just blue. The shortbow only glows again after re-equipping the weapon, or traveling to a new area.
I wish people would keep reporting it….
I just got mine, and have same problem, when I use it in battle stops glowing, when my ranger puts the bow on her back its still now glowing…
Very few weapons have an effect, this bow looks so cool but its bugged.
I have noticed that when I am in an area that causes the ghastly long/short bow to glow, that as soon as I fire either of them the glowing animation goes away (in my view). The only way to get them to glow again is to unequip then re-equip them again. Then as soon I fire either of them again the glow disappears (in my view). However my guild mates say that (in their view) they are always glowing. Why is it that they can see it and I can’t?
Please please please fix this soon! It’s one of the most beautiful weapons, the design is absolutely awesome – let us enjoy it!
Has anyone other than the forum Mods even read this? Please Dev’s, fix the bow! Its borked! =D
Just curious if there was an update on this? Bought my Ghastly Greatsword today not know about the bug. Hope to hear something. Thank you.
The particle effects for the Ghastly Short Bow stop working after I use a skill, which I think is not supposed to happen.