Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: ionite.6234


Ghastly Longbow only has its particle effect either after changing zones, or after requipping it. The effect disappears completely after shooting even one arrow from it.

Edit: Also, Ghastly Shortbow doesn’t have a particle effect at all at this moment.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SikSi.3598


I am also have the same problem, hope it gets fixed soon. Sometime there is no effect from the bow at all during the night. Sometimes the effect is there always, even when my weapon is on my back.

Also, as mentioned in the post above, when the bow is glowing constantly and a shot is fired, the glow animation completely goes away.

(edited by SikSi.3598)

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: sindara.6492


Great that the other weapons are fixed, but just saved up 390 tokens to get the Ghastly Longbow and it is still bugged. Has an effect that only activates when you first equip it or zone into a new area. The effect instantly stops working as soon as you fire the weapon. Then it is just blue coloured.

Also the particle effects when they do work are totally over the top, flashing like crazy and leaving a trail of bubbles everywhere you go like you’re providing the bubble machine at a bad disco rather than emitting a ghostly glow.

Very disappointed. Feel like I should have bought the hammer instead.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: Evil Comrad.5786

Evil Comrad.5786

I have exactly the same problem.

I was unaware of the bug until i bought the bow.
I worked so hard to get this bow and instead of being excited by it, i was very disappionted.
At first i thought is was lagg, but when i red this post i was even more disappionted.

Btw why did they fix all the ghastly weapons except the bows (who in my oppinion looks the most awsome.)

I’m already on working towards the shortbow version, but now im having second thoughts.

Pls fix this a.s.a.p.

(edited by Evil Comrad.5786)

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sindara.6492


I have exactly the same problem.

I was unaware of the bug until i bought the bow.
I worked so hard to get this bow and instead of being excited by it, i was very disappionted.
At first i thought is was lagg, but when i red this post i was even more disappionted.

Btw why did they fix all the ghastly weapons except the bows (who in my oppinion looks the most awsome.)

I’m already on working towards the shortbow version, but now im having second thoughts.

Pls fix this a.s.a.p.

Originally none of the weapons glowed correctly unless you were already in a map area when it became night time. Zoning into an area when it was already night didn’t trigger the effect and they didn’t work inside dungeons either. I know because I also have a Ghastly Greatsword, and I know other people that had them when they didn’t work. Then there was a patch / new build a few weeks into the game and they started working correctly.

What worries me is they seem to have missed out the Longbow and don’t appear to be doing anything about it / be aware of the problem.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: Loggahead.5402


I just bought a ghastly shortbow yesterday and it does this same thing. Sometimes it glows on my back but never while in my hands. I can definitely say that I am very disappointed that this is bugged.

Has there been any response from Anet on fixing it?

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: crawy.1074


Please fix it AC weapons really polular and it is a shame it is still not working properly. Btw none of the weapons glow in the new Fractals dungeon.

Meydey – warrior || Xpoo – elementalist || Aliga Ponpon – mesmer
Aurora Glade
Crawy’s youtube channel

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crawy.1074


Please fix it AC weapons really polular and it is a shame it is still not working properly. Btw none of the weapons glow in the new Fractals dungeon.

Meydey – warrior || Xpoo – elementalist || Aliga Ponpon – mesmer
Aurora Glade
Crawy’s youtube channel

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: Eldimeith.9712


I agree with this completely. After spending as much time as I did and then transmuting my peacemaker’s longbow into the Ghastly Longbow skin and then it doesn’t work correctly? Is it all of the longbow skins or only the one that shows blue in the preview.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

I agree, Just purchased this longbow and the effects disappear once you start to use it, and doesn’t come back until you leave the zone or unequipt it..

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Baal Kagan.2385

Baal Kagan.2385

Got the same issues aswell … anything new here? Just bought my 2 bows. Sucks pretty much tbh.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: FurryFOX.6541


Please fix the effects for the Ghastly Longbow. Quite disappointing, because it’s one of the better looking bow’s in my opinion. I love to use it but bugs me that the effects stop when in use, and it’s pretty annoying have to re-equip it every time I want to see the effects. Thanks!

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: Antara.3189


Any updates to when this might be fixed or in the least a response?

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

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Posted by: SpazzyPanda.8527


Well I see this still hasn’t been fixed even after 10 months. Any word on this fix? A bit disappointing since I just bought the bow and was even going to transmute it.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sahel.6480


think about who have those bows and that bug since 10 month ago xD! and is not the only bug, if you use the longbow with a ranger for a volley or rapid fire the bow will continue to bend itself like you are attacking even if you have finished…

Raelynn Tylneine – Norn Ranger of Dragonlegacy (SFR)

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xaurelie.1842


Wow I just bought this thinking it was the coolest thing ever! No wonder I haven’t seen anyone use them.. friggin thing stops glowing the minute you use it. Has this bug really been going on this long with no fix?? Very disappointing. I want my Tears back ;_;

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FurryFOX.6541


Ha! They wont respond to this. This is an uber old thread. Idk when I even made it now.