Gift of Exploration

Gift of Exploration

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Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162



I would appreciate if Anet would response to my issue, request #228192 i am waiting too long!
Jan 03 19:43

Good day,
i have been recently trying to finish the Explorer, to prepare for Legendary item. But after completing the maps the only thing i receivet was World explorer chest without any reward including Gift of Exploration… could you please fix that. Thank you.
GM Sheyla (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jan 04 14:11

Hello Zdenek,

Thanks for contacting us with your question about getting your rewards after completing the World Map.

The first thing to do when checking on this is to open your in-game map to make sure that all the individual counters for Vistas, Points of Interest, and so on indicate that everything has been found. In some cases the percentage display is rounded up and shows 100% even when there is still a task or two left to finish.

Once you’ve confirmed that everything has been done, the most likely problem is that there is an unclaimed map completion reward somewhere. This will prevent you from receiving the 100% reward. To try to clear this up, I recommend visiting the Chantry of Secrets first. It’s in Bloodtide Coast just south of Lion’s Arch, near the Deadend waypoint. From that waypoint, just head south into the cave and go into the portal at the end of it. After entering, walk through the tunnel until you get close to the Point of Interest.

If that doesn’t work, please try visiting each of the major cities: Divinity’s Reach, Hoelbrak, the Black Citadel, Rata Sum, and the Grove. You can easily visit all of them without spending money on waypoints by using the portals in Lion’s Arch.

Finally, if neither the Chantry nor the cities help, please try visiting each of the other maps that counts towards world completion. While the areas mentioned above are by far the most common places that need to be visited, less frequently there is a different area with an unclaimed map completion reward.

Please give these things a try at your convenience. If the rewards still don’t show up after trying each of these possible fixes, let us know and we’ll be glad to continue investigating this for you.


GM Sheyla
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
Hello GM Sheyla,

Thank you for your recent answer, but i tried to Visit Chantry of secrets and received the title “Been there. Done that.” yesterday and Exploration chest without any reward i could claim, it was was that chest that pops out for map completion, the blue one, but it didnt have any reward in it, only 20 000 experience. I´ve scouted my map, to make sure everything is 100%. I´ve been told to try to travel throught asura gate in LA to BC, but that did not work either. I am 100% sure i have discovered all points of interests, WP´s, vistas and skill points.

Even my character menu shows me that i am world explorer.

Zdenek Borl

since that last mail noone cared about me ….. i dont have nor the gift of explo. or the “star” next to my character name ingame.

The pretty Sylvari

(edited by BlueSylvari.5162)

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Malganis.7468


Two things could be wrong here.

1. There’s an added POI or Waypoint somewhere that you havent gotten yet when you last completed a map. But if you’re sure you have them all discovered, then we can cross that off.

2. There’s a reward chest you were given for completing a map, that you didnt click on and accept. That will also stop you from getting your gifts of exploration. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know which chest you didnt accept without visiting each map again. It will pop up right away when you enter the zone.

Legion of Honour [XIII]:
Tarnished Coast

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162


No im pretty 100% sure i have everyting on 100% and i accepted all chests. I would not be otherwise bothering to write ticket and forum post if it was this easy.

The pretty Sylvari

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


What you’re describing is exactly how the system behaves when you haven’t accepted a reward from what I’ve seen. As Malganis said, go back to every single zone and check if a chest appears. Give it a few seconds to pop in case you happen to lag a bit. Shouldn’t cost too much if you WP between zones near the portals to ones adjacent to them. Be sure to make a list so you can cross off each zone you’ve checked. You don’t want to accidentally miss one or waste time re-visiting ones you already checked.

It’s time consuming, but I can say with almost absolute certainty it will resolve the issue. I don’t think there’s anything support can really do for you here anyways.

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Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162


Ok i feel like starting to repeat… so .. let me summarize it. Ive finished all places …. accepted all chests… visited ChoS 10 times… revisited single zones atlast twice …. log out logged in …. ……. there is pretty much alot of things Support can do abou it …

The pretty Sylvari

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noemie Ling.8596

noemie Ling.8596

i have them the same problem to, i just finished the world map at 100% , i have them the title but not the reward, i revisited all the citys and map JVE and MCM , and when i come in Chanty of Secret, i receveid 2 gifts exploration as reward

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zamalek.2154


No im pretty 100% sure i have everyting on 100% and i accepted all chests. I would not be otherwise bothering to write ticket and forum post if it was this easy.

Take a screenshot with your world map open?

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You might be able to convince CS if you visit every zone and take screenshots showing 100% completion for each of the 25? PvE zones and each of the WvW maps and each city and Chantry of Secrets and any other place needed. Other than that, it would be difficult for them to help, as anyone could just say they completed the world and expect CS to send them Gifts of Exploration. Good luck. =)

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162


I just want them to check my account, they will be able to see if i am telling the truth or not telling the truth. This is the most logic option for me instead of sending them screenshots from my game.


The pretty Sylvari

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162


These are screenshots proving i have title Been there. Done that. and that i dont have explo. star next to my name.


The pretty Sylvari

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162


There is screen from a other player.


The pretty Sylvari

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

They have already explained that percentages are rounded up sometimes. I’m not sure you are aware of how much work it would be for someone to go through your account for months to see when and where you completed each map. But, you can continue to have a dialogue with CS. Nothing that can be done from the forum, unfortunately.

Good luck.

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tman.6349


what about the guild challenge areas that added WPs to some of the earlier maps. I never noticed it affecting my world completion but those zones that i completed long ago are back down to 98% complete due to the addition of the new areas/wps. not saying this is certain but maybe something to check if you haven’t. Brisbain Wildlands, Gendarran Fields, etc.

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


what about the guild challenge areas that added WPs to some of the earlier maps. I never noticed it affecting my world completion but those zones that i completed long ago are back down to 98% complete due to the addition of the new areas/wps. not saying this is certain but maybe something to check if you haven’t. Brisbain Wildlands, Gendarran Fields, etc.

Those affect the Explorer achievements but not world completion.

According to dev posts made around the time when they added the WPs to Cursed Shore and a few other maps the new WP/PoIs were required for world completion but not map completion. There may be an issue where the last map you “complete” is one that was previously complete but had a new WP/PoI added.

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tman.6349


what about the guild challenge areas that added WPs to some of the earlier maps. I never noticed it affecting my world completion but those zones that i completed long ago are back down to 98% complete due to the addition of the new areas/wps. not saying this is certain but maybe something to check if you haven’t. Brisbain Wildlands, Gendarran Fields, etc.

Those affect the Explorer achievements but not world completion.

According to dev posts made around the time when they added the WPs to Cursed Shore and a few other maps the new WP/PoIs were required for world completion but not map completion. There may be an issue where the last map you “complete” is one that was previously complete but had a new WP/PoI added.

yes this is exactly what i was saying though i wasn’t sure if the new additions counted toward world completion or not

Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Malganis.7468


His screenshot shows 100% completion and every POI/WP in the game found, so yes there’s a bug somewhere. The issue is where? He’s been in the Chantry several times (I’m assuming both rooms in the chantry?), and says he has revisited every area.
At this point I can only assume the game shows he’s been everywhere on the map screen, but somewhere in the code it thinks he hasnt been everywhere.
My last suggestion would be to revisit each instance in the 5 racial towns, see if something there triggers. The Grove has Caithe’s house, and the home instance for example, while Black Citidel has several areas inside the Imperial Core.

Legion of Honour [XIII]:
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Malganis.7468)