Give me 1st person camera view please FINALY!
Practice makes perfect.
Also, that’s not a bug, so why are you making this thread in the Bugtracking-forum?
Any attention this issue gets is good, whether if it is in the right forum or not. The camera has been terrible since release, and it really is about time to clean it up.
What we’re currently playing with feels like a rough beta version of a work in progress camera system.
Practice makes perfect.
Also, that’s not a bug, so why are you making this thread in the Bugtracking-forum?
Because its not really a technical problem at first place in my opinion. Its a bad design, and non-caring from the part of developers.
That should considered a bug when the screen is shaking like crazy because the camera acts as a living entity in the world and got “invisible body”. And it “stuck” between player model and objects. Kind of silly and very lame seriously.
This needs to be addressed.
They need to give a first person view where objects not blocking the view front of the player character not to mention objects behind the character (leaves from tree and braqnches). Camera can’t see through them but also not jumping behind them (well that would be even worse though, since you would see your character’s back from up-close).
So you see I’m giving you many reasons why this is just unacceptable.
And the game is getting old and this is still an issue?
Don’t expect me to be non-frustrated and patient about it please because this is really lazy work now to fix camera it would be absolutely easy work for a programmer, just devs need to give the order!
Don’t expect me to be non-frustrated and patient about it please because this is really lazy work now to fix camera it would be absolutely easy work for a programmer, just devs need to give the order!
Lazy work it is indeed. But fixing it is probably a lot of work, since the current camera system is pretty much unfinished.
Never the less, a proper camera system is long overdue.
1st person camera? interesting thought, but I want to see the look on your face when your Asura Guardian do Staff 4 – Empower >=)
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
1st person camera? interesting thought, but I want to see the look on your face when your Asura Guardian do Staff 4 – Empower >=)
try guard auto scepter 1st person mode. Feels pretty strange.
I think those dodgeball guards will like first person mode too.
The amount of platforming in this game is kitten in the first place. Secondly it’s glitchy and badly implemented. I found it bad when mapping on my main, asuran, but now trying to map on my alt, an 8 foot tall norn, I get screwy camera angles…one minute it’s a decent view, nek minnut it’s a shot of his feet while trying to jump on to a mushroom, next minute I’m staring at a wall when trying to jump onto a ledge….etc…etc. Fail the vista and start over.
It’s Crash Bandicoot done badly and it’s a pet hate for me in this game..I want to play an MMORPG….not a platformer….kitten it :P
Sadly I have no idea what do you mean, you can rotate this “terrible camera” in any direction you wish, and it’s not like you have to hurry in most of jumping puzzles. Though it is true that charrs seem to have harder time doing jumping puzzles, I think it’s just because of limited view in general during jumping.
First person camera would be appreciated though. Just imagine all the screenies you can take!
Been asked over and over and beaten to death. I would like it but does not look promising.
Things people keep bringing up against it—-combat—omg—-it would destroy game play by going first person—answer—really? Are people that dense they would be unable to use their mouse wheels to scroll out?
Having it as it is makes people more ‘involved’ with their characters—-Really? Don’t know where the person who thought that one up got their PHD in Psychology, but they need a refund! Plenty of games have first person views and don’t suffer from ‘non-involvement with their characters’.
Its the way the game was made—-leave it alone——well we could say that about any aspect of the game. If a minor thing like first person view enhances the game for some, to take screenshots and jumping puzzles, how is that impacting the majority of the player base negatively? Answer—its not!
And one final—minor point—-we had first person view in Guild Wars 1. Yes this is Guild Wars 2, but technology has moved on, so come on guys—-how about it—please.
There is or was a big technical discussion recently on the forums with dev interaction. Im afraid i cant pinpoint it to link it, but it didnt appear to be as easy as ppl assume, nor was it a laziness issue.
Might be worth having a look for it
The camera issue has been dealt in another thread a month ago. GW2 developer there listed all the issues nicely, and therefore they have a great implementation plan to follow already. No promises has been made but common sense says they should give players options.
The camera behaviour between character types is not well thought. Human is ok, but for charr, I would lower the rotation point and adjust the zoom.
User options are important because when changes are made, they easily ruin my preference – human is now ok, no fix needed. Just the additional adjustments, including the first person view.