Glitching betwen fractals

Glitching betwen fractals

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vragg.2470



today, I was doing my regular level 10 daily run in fractals and when we reached the jade maw fractal (the bonus one, 4th, last), I used my lightning flash (i am an elementalist) to jump from one block to another…. and I glitched. I fell trough several dimensions and ended up in water. I did some swiming and I seem to have reached another fractal – the one with “Rally to me Ascalonians” yelling boss (charr fractal). I couldn’t get into it, so I did some extra swiming. I came to an edge. I used the underwater spell Vacuum (the bubble that teleports you as it desolves) and BOOM – here I am, in next fractal. Or should I say between two? I was mid-air betwen the “seal & hammer” fractal and jade maw fractal (i could see the Irukanji mobs). I had my underwater spells and I couldn’t use any, because I was mid-air (only a few, like vapor form and cleansing fire). I also couldn’t get to any waypoint OR die, so the party ended up kicking me, because they wiped and couldnt continiue.

I added a few screenshots.

So that was my feedback of good will, now I am wondering if you will bless me with your good will and refund me the chest & daily chest from fratals that I couldn’t get due to a game bug?

… if getting from one to another fractal only took about 5 minutes… :P

Thank you.


(edited by Vragg.2470)