Globs of Ectoplasm People say on the large quantities it evens out, but now you can easily get 0 ecto many times in a row. Anet randomizer is bugged but I doubt they will ever look into it and fix it, same with the loot and DR issue.
I had the same thing happen to me. I got 7 rares yesterday and broke down 6 and only got 1 ecto. Pretty terrible odds especially when those odds are combined with getting clovers.
It comes out to be a “chance this, chance that.”
I’ve noticed the same thing in the past few days, but I’m not ready say that something must have changed. It’s still in the range of just being some bad luck.
Also worth noting that the difference I’ve seen has been with Master/Mystic kits. Black Lion kits have not given me any unusual results.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
I got no ectos for the EXOTICS I salvaged today, but I did yesterday. I was using a black lion kit.
I was mentioning this to people today that my veto levels weren’t really working since the patch. Turns put I was at the wrong level to salvage. Was the gear you were salvaging 80?
My gear was level 80.
All the items I decon’d was lvl 80 rares doing the penti/shelter grind. Got zero ectos.
Haven’t noticed this, you probably have bad luck spree.
I once salvaged 7 rares too before the patch without ecto’s.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
What kit are you using to salvage?
This is certainly a shame. I salvaged two yellows today, (which I actually had been holding onto in my bank thinking I might use them on one of my characters), one was lvl 78 and the other was lvl 80. Usually, I manage to obtain at least 1 ecto from two tries, but today I did not get any . Just the rune and fabric/metal.
Can’t collect enough of needed mats for Orange gear or weapons at the abysmal rate of getting ectos and I refuse to buy them off the TP. Too many mats on the TP are ridiculously over priced as it is, while others (which I cannot use for what I want) are at least reasonably priced.
Does not appear I will ever get sufficient materials for crafting my Orange gear/weapons, let alone try to gain sufficient mats for a legendary.
(edited by lynspottery.6529)
Can’t collect enough of needed mats for Orange gear or weapons at the abysmal rate of getting ectos and I refuse to buy them off the TP. Too many mats on the TP are ridiculously over priced as it is, while others (which I cannot use for what I want) are at least reasonably priced.
Does not appear I will ever get sufficient materials for crafting my Orange gear/weapons, let alone try to gain sufficient mats for a legendary.
You are aware that you can get exotic armor/weapons from dungeons and for WvW tokens and for karma as well?
Did some testing (salvaged 2x 100 rare items) and got about the same amount of ectos from both tries.
But I noticed a kind of “gap” every now and then. And it seems kind of “clustered” together. So 4-7 with nothing, then 5-10 with 1-3 ectos, and so on.
Personally I got the feeling that there is a pattern to it, so I tried my 2nd try with: everytime I salvaged for 0 ectos I salvaged 5 white items and while it did feel “more” to me, in the end it was actually 2 ectos less ;p
dunno i got about 15 ectos from about 11 items using the master kit
Can’t collect enough of needed mats for Orange gear or weapons at the abysmal rate of getting ectos and I refuse to buy them off the TP. Too many mats on the TP are ridiculously over priced as it is, while others (which I cannot use for what I want) are at least reasonably priced.
Does not appear I will ever get sufficient materials for crafting my Orange gear/weapons, let alone try to gain sufficient mats for a legendary.
You are aware that you can get exotic armor/weapons from dungeons and for WvW tokens and for karma as well?
I am aware of being able to obtain exotic armor/weapons from dungeons and for WvW tokens, but I use Karma more since I rarely do a lot of dungeons and WvW in the game. I am a casual player who is not adverse to running around the world exploring and doing the events for karma. This is how I usually obtain my materials for those crafters in my guild who make things for us.
Usually, most drops I do get, I cannot use at all. These items get salvaged for whatever mats I can obtain. I do not care for dungeon crawling, and am only now getting involved in the WvW with my guild. But I am not a pvp’er so to obtain sufficient “tokens” or badges for gear marked pvp, really does not help in my pve play.
Karma gear/weapons are nice but for the really high end items that appear to have to be crafted using the forge, I have to have sufficient quantities of certain materials in order to obtain what I want.
It is unfortunate we do not have more “exploring” available in the game outside of the dungeons. I’ve almost gotten map completion on one of my 80’s, but with the way the WvW is currently setup and until a better balance has been obtained, it may be a few months before I get the 100% world map completion.
(edited by lynspottery.6529)
just seems odd i think if you use the yellow one in game it is harder to get ectos , unless ,you use the black lion market ones are more extreme , so hurry up and buy ,, lol yesterday salvaged 7 80 yellow rares and only recieved 2 ectos , today on the other hand salvaged 5 an got 12 lol pretty sure its just a random generator
One thing I do when I am out of ectos … I regularily run Orr events, mine the mines there and most of the time salvage the loot. I then build yellow weapons (usually metal ones because mithril is easier to get than the wood in my opinion) – I always have like 250 bones or 250 venom sacks from the risen and spiders in Orr so I craft the appropriate weapons.
Now I can either throw them into the mystic forge and play roulette or I can salvage them. Even though the yellow items you build do not require ecto you can salvage it from them …
After using the tier 5 mats (not needed for exotic) I usually have more than enough ectos to last me a long, long time.
I’m 0 for 17 and it doesn’t seem to have changed at all since game’s release. It’s just bad luck.
I’ve given up on using black lion kits. They seem to be bugged from my experiences, because I’ll use a Master’s kit (yellow) and be able to salvage as much and quite often more ecto than from the BL kit. I find this kind of hard to fathom considering the stats for the Master’s is half the salvage rate of ecto next to the BL kit.
I’m not prepared to call RNG shenanigans on the BL kit, but you can now see why I favour the Master’s.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
It seems like this topic comes up after every patch asking if the last one bugged it or stealth nerfed it. I was able to get ectos yesterday from salvaged golds I had crafted. If you do not get any, than it’s probably just bad luck on RNG.
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter
I don’t think higher tier salvage kits make any difference for getting ecto as ecto is technically not a crafting material, despite being stored under the Rare Materials heading in collectables (if you look at ecto it is tagged as a “Trophy” which should logically make it exempt from the higher chance at rare mats given by the better kits).
Out of my last 10 rares I think I only managed 5 ecto.
The salvage rate wouldn’t be that much of a problem if they hadn’t created such a huge ecto sink without adding a balancing supply (I refer to the 250 ecto needed for the capacitor, 500 if you want the costmetic second upgrade for the shiny).
Used to be able to buy a few to supplement the salvaged stuff, but now it’s way too expensive.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
I don’t think higher tier salvage kits make any difference for getting ecto as ecto is technically not a crafting material, despite being stored under the Rare Materials heading in collectables (if you look at ecto it is tagged as a “Trophy” which should logically make it exempt from the higher chance at rare mats given by the better kits).
Out of my last 10 rares I think I only managed 5 ecto.
The salvage rate wouldn’t be that much of a problem if they hadn’t created such a huge ecto sink without adding a balancing supply (I refer to the 250 ecto needed for the capacitor, 500 if you want the costmetic second upgrade for the shiny).
Used to be able to buy a few to supplement the salvaged stuff, but now it’s way too expensive.
You’ve actually pointed out the main problem, major supply need vs poor supply pool. The amount of materials required for most high end items is totally out of the ball park based upon the limited availability of the mats required for said items.
Anet indicated early on prior to launch they wanted us to play the game the way we want to play and for it not to be a grind. Well, in my humble opinion, this statement has not been followed or someone made the decision to ignore it altogether.
Wondering what and why is not going to help anyone. Anet, from what I can tell, just does not provide adequate information/communication to the playing community. Which is contrary to what they have been espousing.
So, draw your own conclusions and you might be close ….or not.
../sad… I really wanted to believe what they told us to begin with, but every month I’ve played things changed and did not seem to be the same as what was advertised. Do they have a different advertising script that just does not even reflect the actuality of the game? I wonder.
(edited by lynspottery.6529)
I don’t see how this could be classified as a “Bug”, it’s not that there are NO ectos being salvaged, but rather the “Drop Rate” of ectos is not to your satisfaction as well as the price of the item on the player market.
There is plenty of supply available with regard to ectos, at the time of this posting there are literally thousands for sale and by the admission of others, you are able to salvage additional units from rare items.
So the system must be working, and expensive or not, the supply is available to purchase as well as create through salvaging.
(edited by PrimalFear.4126)
Yield for ecto is about 91% in large samples.
Most people read this and think they have a 90% chance to get an ecto – this is not the case.
You actually have a very good chance of getting zero ecto from a salvage – my estimate is about 20-30%.
The reason you average 91% is because you have a chance to get more than one ecto in a salvage.
Imagine the odds look like this (this is pure speculation to illustrate the concept, I don’t know the numbers):
25% = zero
60% = one ecto
10% = two ecto
5% = three ecto
My math might be a little off, but you can see that in large samples, you would be somewhere in the 90% yield range, but on any given try, you have a 25% chance of getting zero and a 75% chance of getting “some” ecto.
I’ve noticed this as well, the number of ecto’s have seriously been nerfed in some shape or form. at 38s per on my server, it’s only bound to go up now in price, which is crappy for those crafters who are trying to hit 400, or people trying to make things in the Mystic Forge.
While I thought there might have been something to this on the first day the thread, my actual experience ingame since has changed that. I’ve been getting ecto at about the same rate as before, I just had a bad day or two.
And I’ve seen nothing to indicate the price is going up due to Monday’s (Jan 28) update. Prices actually went up the week before this update, and are currently less than 1 silver higher than last Saturday.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
I’ve noticed this as well, the number of ecto’s have seriously been nerfed in some shape or form. at 38s per on my server, it’s only bound to go up now in price, which is crappy for those crafters who are trying to hit 400, or people trying to make things in the Mystic Forge.
The trading post covers all servers not just one
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter
Typical Anet, mess with a good thing and screw us over. Probably had something to do with Gold Sellers finding some kind of method to make a few extra copper so Anet put a stop to it. Punish the masses for the deeds of a few.
Illivatur – Juggernaut – Eternity – Jade Quarry
Can’t collect enough of needed mats for Orange gear or weapons at the abysmal rate of getting ectos and I refuse to buy them off the TP. Too many mats on the TP are ridiculously over priced as it is, while others (which I cannot use for what I want) are at least reasonably priced.
Does not appear I will ever get sufficient materials for crafting my Orange gear/weapons, let alone try to gain sufficient mats for a legendary.
You are aware that you can get exotic armor/weapons from dungeons and for WvW tokens and for karma as well?
You are aware those sets do not have many of the stat combinations that people want? Only way is to craft…
There is this other game out there people probably don’t know. Usually called WoW for short. It is said to be ‘grindy’.
In that WoW game, when you ‘salvage’ a certain rarity of items, you get something 100% of the time. Not less. The thing people argue about in that game is whether they get just 1, or more from the ‘salvage’.
In GW2, you get nothing. Often. You take a gamble and get rewarded with a poor RNG that favors spending money on the gem store to buy gold. It is designed to make customers into ‘whales’ and then to harpoon those whales for all the blubber they are worth.
In GW2, you get nothing. Often. You take a gamble and get rewarded with a poor RNG that favors spending money on the gem store to buy gold. It is designed to make customers into ‘whales’ and then to harpoon those whales for all the blubber they are worth.
They would probably sell more Black Lion Salvage Kits if they doubled the chance to salvage a “rarer material” (100% for BLSK and 50% for Master Salvage), but reduced the chance to get more than one ecto by 50%. Statistically speaking, the number of ecto per item salvaged would not change.
Or better yet, swap the functions of the Black Lion and Mystic kits. And change the Mystic Forge Stone (gemstore item) requirement for Mystic to one of the skillpoint purchased items. For a gemstore that is supposed to “convenience” items only, that BLSK is a lot better than anything you can get ingame.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
RNG is RNG. Two days ago I salvaged two rares and got nothing. Yesterday salvaged one and got two ectos. Go figure…
IMO, the minimum return should be 1 ecto. ATM, you are better off selling on TP and buying ectos. This won’t be changed because ANet is making a profit.
Do not click this link!
you must be unlucky… RNG
drop rate 0-3…that means 1.5 average …ok.....×0.8 because of master kit=1.2 ecto/item salvaged on average.
(edited by DanH.5879)
If you are salvaging rares with a black lion salvage kit from lvl 68 upwards, you will average out slightly up if you use it 25 times due to the combination of materials, sigil’s & ecto’s you will receive. I have found using any other salvage kit you make a loss.