Glutton for Punishment achievement is broken.
I have exactly the same problem. I have all of the 3 king toad items but i did not get completion on my achievement for world 1 zone 3.
I have the same problem here.
I have the same bug…
/cry T_T
I’m sure you guys will all be taken care of and everything will be fixed and working as intended soon enough!
Not trolling you guys but $%@% with A-nets logic these days the fix would be removing the items you got from your hard work and telling us to re- run it all again post fix to get credit… Crummy things like this happen so often to begin with and they wonder why people feel sour about Living Story content.
GL to you all on doing world 3 Trib mode /cheers hope that is bug free for you all
2nd time i do 3 zone in a row… still no fix :P i’ll end up bald, i swear !
I did it a 2nd time… still no achievement. I did a 3rd time and viola it decided to give me the achievement. No idea what caused the difference
Wait for the timer to finish, I did mine and I got it when the timer was over.
it has nothing to do with the timer, this bug can occur even when you wait for the timer