I hope this clearly outlines my weirdo bug.
Preset(what I did):
I bought the light power/precision/crit set with rune of the golemancer.
I played some pve, spawning of course some golems.
I crafted six runes of the scholars, which I did apply over the rune of the golemancer’s.
The actual bug:
Now when playing pve, while having no golemancer runes active at all, there still spawn golems. They have been spawning without golemancer runes for a week. I’m absolutly sure they are mine, because they appear blue even when I’m going solo.
Furthermore, I’m a human. My party members see the golem aswell. If an anet member wants to see the bug in action, they can contact mee. It still happens and looks like it is going to continue happening.
Okay, the golems don’t spawn of me, but of my phantasm/clones. When I shatter my clones, the golems dissapear.