Google Authenticator Code expired/wrong code
I’ve been finding that too, mine seems to be about half a cycle out of sync at the moment. What works for me is waiting until the timer gets down to half remaining or less before submitting the code.
Its a known issue. Like Stitch said: wait until the timer nearly expires before submitting the code and it should work.
Also make sure that the clock of the device you’re using to generate the code is correct. You can check the clock by visiting , or a similar site that shows the time of an atomic clock.
Also make sure that the clock of the device you’re using to generate the code is correct. You can check the clock by visiting , or a similar site that shows the time of an atomic clock.
This is a surprisingly common cause of authenticator expiration issues. If you’re using a smartphone, it’s probably fine. If you’re using your PC, then double-check your “date & time” settings (how to get there varies a bit by OS) — make sure you use “internet time” or otherwise automatically update.
Also make sure that the clock of the device you’re using to generate the code is correct. You can check the clock by visiting , or a similar site that shows the time of an atomic clock.
This is a surprisingly common cause of authenticator expiration issues. If you’re using a smartphone, it’s probably fine. If you’re using your PC, then double-check your “date & time” settings (how to get there varies a bit by OS) — make sure you use “internet time” or otherwise automatically update.
I am using the smartphone app, and as I said in the first post one of the first things I did was make sure it was synced.
The waiting part does seem to work, but really it shouldn’t matter. It is workable, but still annoying
I had an authenticator GW2 issue myself when I lost my authenticator phone. I redownloaded it and got back the authenticator but it no longer worked.
Had to submit a ticket to have the devs completely remove the authenticator from my account. They got back to me within 3 days but this was before the patch
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I have the same problem. Time on my smartphone is right and the authenticator app confirms this when i try to sync the clock via the settings menu.
Auth-Codes get rejected until a few seconds before they expire on my device. I can input the Auth-Code and wait until my device shows a new one and it will still get accepted.
It looks to me like there is a clock is running out of sync on AreneNets side. Especially since the problem seem to get worse over time. A few days ago the code still got accepted while there was a lot of time left on the clock. Yesterday i had to wait until the last sliver of the clock to get the code in.
Can someone on AreneNets side please comment on this?
I have the same problem too. Now I have noticed that Codes work only if I write them in the last quarter of their existence.
As mentioned above, there is something wrong with the synchronization on ArenaNet side.
I have this problem since the new login screen came out, so are weeks and nothing has changed or is wrong on my smartphone.
Yes I’ve got the same problem. I thought that somehow my phone is out of sync. I didn’t find the option to rescync it. Now that I discovered that other ppl have the same problem I’m somehow relieved… Even though it would be nice if that one gets fixed…
I have the same problem. For safety I think it is better to switch to another 2 step verification mode (I choose SMS)
If the problem gets solved I would prefer Google authenticator again.
Yeah this is an annoying issue.
Server-Blackgate, are there others?
Some must fight, so that all may be free. —Amora Soulkeeper.
Why not fully switch to sms authentication? I recently changed phones and bumped into this post by MO himself when looking up how to change my authenticator over.
I got the exact same problem.
And the GW2 Support send me here XD
Same problem here! ArenaNet seems to be already aware of the problem and is investigating.
I use the Google Authenticator App not just for GW2 but for other websites and services as well. And for those, other services, the app works fine. So really just a problem for this game.
I wouldnt want to switch to SMS authentication since (a) cellphone numbers can get hijacked here pretty easily, and (b) sms messages here can get delayed at times so it can be more frustrating. I can bear the inconvenience for now, but I hope ANet gets a fix in soon!