For the past two days I have been experiencing graphical glitches which made the game almost unplayable for me. The problem is that terrain and object surfaces kept randomly disappearing especially if I would position the camera to face my character from frog perspective or I was passing through caves and narrow passages.
At first I thought it was just a glitch which would go away when I leave Metrica Province (that’s the first place where I experienced a graphical glitch of this type and magnitude) but the situation became even worse in Harathi Hinterlands where in some situations it was almost impossible to move through the game (I even fell a couple of times from high places because I was unable to distinguish the “real” surfaces and couldn’t map travel because I wanted the monthly survivor title – which is also bugged if I might add).
Judging by what I have seen I’d say occlusion culling doesn’t work as its supposed to but I’ll leave the final judgement to the professionals. Naturally I sent bug reports every time I encountered these anomalies (which is a lot) however I also wanted to make sure this problem gets proper attention here too because it really makes the game impossible to play at some times.
Here are a couple of screenshots I made where you can clearly see the problem. Hope this and all the bug reports I’ve sent helps you to resolve the problem.
Yes, I have been getting the same thing. Moving the camera towards surfaces and they will disappear for a second. I thought it was just a temporary glitch with the zone I was in but it does it anywhere.