Graphics settings reset after each map load

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Ollyhp.7306


The graphics settings i make reset after each map load in 25 august patch. My comp is pretty old so i run in sub sample to get better frames per sec after each map load my graphics gets sharp like it reset to native or maybe super sample and i have to go back into the settings click native and back to sub sample to get it back to normal not sure if other options are being affected i haven’t taken the time to check. But it happens after each map load in every time i enter a new map or fractal instance. Its more of an annoyance but i figure its a bug. And i don’t see it listed yet so hope people notice.

(edited by Moderator)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: matti.5986


Hi my computer is kind of a potato and i play on subsample graphics to get the best performance that i possibly can. When i log on now im stuck on native graphics even though it says subsample. ive found a temporary fix by setting my graphics to native then back to subsample, but im forced to do this everytime i load into a new instance or map.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Falamorph.3792


I have the exact same problem. Additionally when going under water I now get a black screen for a few seconds.

Please help!

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: phirefox.2568


Same Problem. Game started in normal sampling (despite the options still displaying subsampling), and each switch of an instance reverts the mode back to normal sampling (without actualization of the menu entry, which still says “subsampling”) – actually, going underwater is causing the same issue (at least no black screen for me), which makes this kinda annoying :P

A Fix for the hardware-poor amongst us would be appreciated

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Ollyhp.7306


ah yeah just made a thread on that too sorry didn’t see this one but same problem

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


yes i just tested it and can confirm

when i put it to supsamble is resets to native everytime i change map

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: pelle ossa.9705

pelle ossa.9705

same problem here , but for me the problem is with render sampling…

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Jeszuz.7968


Same thing is happening to me. I thought it was just an issue for Mac though, apparently it isn’t. The only way to temporarily fix it is by changing the settings preset to Best Appearance and then back to Best Performance, or changing the render sampling from subsample to native and then back to subsample. It’s still an annoying issue if you’re constantly switching maps though, especially in PvP.


Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Purecura.1795


I also can confirm this issue. After the patch it changes from Sub sample to native after changing maps. I play on a lower end gaming laptop with a AMD Radeon 6520g graphics card.

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Seigfried.5938


I’m having this problem too. My puny Intel HD 3000 cannot handle it

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Kevin Ardinez.8906

Kevin Ardinez.8906

I guess im not the only one have this problem, hope they ffix this soon.

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


just for info:

when changing map and opening the options

it still says subsamble
but it actually is native!

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(edited by Orangensaft.7139)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Purecura.1795


just for info:

when changing map and opening the options

it still says subsamble
but it actually is native!

Yes! This! Arena Net, I hope you will view this post and seek a solution

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


my graphics were put back to native 2x now while not changing the map

cant tell yet what i did exactly when it changed…
was busy fighting in WvW so i didnt notice during fights

but it means the settings are not only reset when changing maps

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Purecura.1795


I just logged out and noticed a new issue with this graphic reset problem. I was at Subsample, then was reset Native as went to a new map in PvE. I then changed it back to Subsample, after arriving at the new map.

Here is the thing, as I went underneath a body of water in the same map, my screen went black and switched me back to Native. So it seems bodies of water and land are two different areas in the same map.

This is becoming a rather bothersome issue.

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


yes that could be

i was fighting on southwest camp in wvw borderlands und swimming through the river north several times…

that was probably the reason for me too then

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: JuanDeag.3061


Im having the same issue.

I use the subsample option since my computer isnt that high-end, and whenever i switch to swimming mode my screen blackouts and my fps rate drops from 40-50 down to 5-6.

This also sometimes happen when I switch maps, and when I view a dialogue scene during story mode. It’s really frustrating to have to constantly switching back from native to subsample setting, please fix this soon!!

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Castigate.5470


yeah, i’m having the same problem too :<

since i’m running best performance i’m so used to getting high fps so this graphic bug thing that changes everything to better appearance is kinda making it cringe-y to play… i also have the weird bug where my screen turns black when i dive in water—- yeah.. ^^;

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Firstly I have to say that I play on the lowest settings, with my the “subsample” setting on instead of my native resolution because I have a crappy video card.

Now when ever I log in starting today after the updates, It still says I have it set to subsample yet the visuals disagree. The game appeares as if I have it on supersample and it’s very laggy for me, of course everything looks much better than it usually does but that’s the problem. My pc cant handle it.

So what I do it, I change it to native and then back to subsample and it’s back to how it usually looks. How I always played it, and it runs okay again.. here’s the real issue. Every single time I map change it resets so I have to do it all over again. and Even weirder. when I go underwater the screen goes black for a second and resets the setting back to high (even if it says theyre still low). So every time I go udnerwater, every map change, every log in it does this. I can’t even play because of it.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Jake.5741


Same issue as the others. Needs to be fixed asap

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Barret.4095


same here, what ever happened in the patch made the game unplayable for me.

“For those whose time and dedication went above and beyond, only to achieve mediocrity”

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Barret.4095



massive fps drop since patch. i think the same thing happened with the patch 5 months ago as well.

“For those whose time and dedication went above and beyond, only to achieve mediocrity”

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: hellionsaway.5230


Yup, my sample rendering reverts to native every time I swap zones or a cutscene plays.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


The graphics settings i make reset after each map load in 25 august patch. My comp is pretty old so i run in sub sample to get better frames per sec after each map load my graphics gets sharp like it reset to native or maybe super sample and i have to go back into the settings click native and back to sub sample to get it back to normal not sure if other options are being affected i haven’t taken the time to check. But it happens after each map load in every time i enter a new map or fractal instance. Its more of an annoyance but i figure its a bug. And i don’t see it listed yet so hope people notice.

same exact problem!!! im glad im not the only one, and I did post a topic about this not long ago lol. but another is great xD

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: lolzertank.1928


same here, what ever happened in the patch made the game unplayable for me.

same here I hope they fix it..

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: TheScryingGame.3875


Same here! it also happens when you go underwater.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Azgan.3902


same problem :c

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Kevin Ardinez.8906

Kevin Ardinez.8906

I cant play properly because of this problem, please fix it soon! its really annoying in dungeon during cutsene it keeps changing it.

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


info update:

it also resets everytime i enter a cutscene inside a dungeon for example

—> so we have resets at:
- mapchange
- going underwater/on land
- cutscenes

edit: didnt see that Kevin just wrote that directly above me xD

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: noodos.7506


same for me.. its really annoying.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: jkm.8427


Same problem here:(

Subsample rendering is sorely missed :’(

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: phirefox.2568


+1 Same Bug for me.

Maybe we should change the Thread’s Title to something more PvE centric (World Boss not spawning!!!!!!) so that it gets some attention :P?

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Phyllo.3174


Same issue whit the settings and yeah the thread should be like help the gemstore is giving away free gems fix it.

The very first recorded versions of Phyllo Dough are in Turkish cuisine.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Ana.2415


+1 here

It’s so annoying, everytime I change map my graphic settings change. Also, if I go underwater or cutscene it reset again and I get black screen.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Holland.9351


I have the same problem.

It’s especially annoying that it happens when entering water. The screen also freezes for a few seconds and then displays everything in native mode. Now I’m going to have to avoid all the water

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Sunti.2816


Same problem here after last update. Closing the game and re-entering caused also a crash issue, after chosing a pg and entering a map I have 5-10 seconds of semi-empty interface and an i-o error that closes the game.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Purecura.1795


Arena Net… May we get a reply on this issue? Thank you.

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Arena Net… May we get a reply on this issue? Thank you.


Or at least fix it so I can actually play the kitten game.. I havent been able to play because of it.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Barret.4095


Arena Net… May we get a reply on this issue? Thank you.


Or at least fix it so I can actually play the kitten game.. I havent been able to play because of it.

try toggling back and forth between auto detect then best performance. you’re gonna have to do this every time you zone or get out of a cutscene though.

“For those whose time and dedication went above and beyond, only to achieve mediocrity”

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Arena Net… May we get a reply on this issue? Thank you.


Or at least fix it so I can actually play the kitten game.. I havent been able to play because of it.

try toggling back and forth between auto detect then best performance. you’re gonna have to do this every time you zone or get out of a cutscene though.

yeah that’s what ive been doing… and You dont need to toggle best preformance and stuff. just toggle “subsample” and “native” rendering every map change. It’s still unplayable. Every time I go underwater or in a cutscene it does this.

(edited by lolzertank.1928)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Mihawks Falkenauge.7341

Mihawks Falkenauge.7341

same problem for me hope for a soon fix because on native fps is too low on my pc

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Mihawks Falkenauge.7341

Mihawks Falkenauge.7341

i have the same problem pl fix it

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Purecura.1795


There needs to be a Post merge. There are multiple post of this issue popping up.

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: lolzertank.1928


There needs to be a Post merge. There are multiple post of this issue popping up.

I was one of the first to report this issue and mine has been merged to this topic. So they are, but there being more than one post about it is good. Because then the Devs may see it quicker and -Hopefully- fix it sooner. I can’t play because of it.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Kevin Ardinez.8906

Kevin Ardinez.8906

why is the game keeps broken after new build? does any game have that as well??

Pamation nato ron ang sugilanon sa usa ka kapuluanon

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Jeszuz.7968


The game is seriously unplayable if you have a potato for a computer. Can’t keep switching between native and subsample every so often, especially since all I do is PvP.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Can Anet show some courtesy and at the very least acknowledge this issue? the game is unplayable for some of us. I can’t reset the graphics settings every time during a pvp match.

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Falamorph.3792


Same issue as OP. Please Anet Please!

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Lie.3517


I have the same issue. Makes the game unplayable.
Would really like to see some response form anet, its been like 2 almost 3 days now and not a word… pretty bad imo since i guess this bug affects many people.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Hushy.9530


Getting this as well and its starting to become unplayable.

Every time i load a new map my graphic settings change, sometimes in WvW they will just randomly change in the middle of a fight which means my FPS drops a fair bit.

Something else thats bugging me is the fact i get the 3-5second screen freeze everytime i go underwater. As a WvW player you are required to go under water a fair bit in the borderlands especially in bay.

I think its pretty kitten that the dev team havent even acknowledged this bug yet. Surely it doesnt take long for them to make a post saying they are looking into it.

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