Graphics settings reset after each map load

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barret.4095


i just noticed that my graphics settings reset not just whenever i zone or get out of a cut scene but every time i go underwater as well.

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: viewbens.3105


since the last patch/update @8-25 Tuesday, i been having issue on my gw2 Graphics Settings @ Settings Preset. it auto correct it self “YES AUTO CORRECT my settings” to Best Appearance! every single kittening time when i switch maps, characters, and the most annoying of all when i’m under water! since beta i’m a WvW person and its painful to play in high resolution. i nvr had something like this before! its so kittening ANNOYING! is this new? or its just a bugged? if so how do i fix it? Friday reset is coming and i can’t command like this. in-game will give me warning by freezing/pausing the game for 2sec before it changed. please help :C

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I just opened a support ticket and they tried telling me that “maybe my graphics card drivers need to be updated” which they dont. and you all have the same issue too.. so useless.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Beldin.5498


Has anybody here tried to delete the local.dat file ?

I remember i had a problem where one setting was always resetting when i logged
in to Timberline Falls. Deleting the local.dat fixed that for me.

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: bliss.4305


Getting this as well and its starting to become unplayable.

Every time i load a new map my graphic settings change, sometimes in WvW they will just randomly change in the middle of a fight which means my FPS drops a fair bit.

Something else thats bugging me is the fact i get the 3-5second screen freeze everytime i go underwater. As a WvW player you are required to go under water a fair bit in the borderlands especially in bay.

I think its pretty kitten that the dev team havent even acknowledged this bug yet. Surely it doesnt take long for them to make a post saying they are looking into it.

+1. I’m not greatly impacted by the settings changing, although I agree its an annoyance. However, underwater freezes are VERY important and should be fixed ASAP.

In WvW gameplay its causing huge problems. I know you guys realized underwater fights won’t be a thing and probably look into ways to fix that system but forcing people to avoid waters completely is NOT the way to do it :P

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Salamander.2504


Needs a fix asap. Resetting every time you warp into and out of a PvP match…

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HappilyInsane.5840


Pretty sure the setting reset thing happens whenever a loading screen pops up

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kevin Ardinez.8906

Kevin Ardinez.8906

changing it to best performance seems to work, slightly laggy though
still playable but very discouraging to play it, fix it soon not in a week please,
i have to get back in the game and be happy! T-T

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chaoslord.5439


I’m experiencing the same problem with render sampling….reducing my FPS by 30% and making parts of the game feel like I’m in slow mode. Yes, I play on a 5 year old laptop…using subsample rendering is a must to have tolerable FPS. Something from Anet on this would be reassuring…

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: trueanimus.4085


please post HERE

This is a topic of the same thread… should have been merged like mine was.. dunno why this thread is still active since the dev posted a reply on the latter one.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeszuz.7968


please post HERE

This is a topic of the same thread… should have been merged like mine was.. dunno why this thread is still active since the dev posted a reply on the latter one.

To me it seems that that post mainly focuses on just the underwater problem, this seems like a different issue. Don’t know why the devs are only focusing on the underwater problem when it’s a problem as a whole.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purecura.1795


please post HERE

This is a topic of the same thread… should have been merged like mine was.. dunno why this thread is still active since the dev posted a reply on the latter one.

To me it seems that that post mainly focuses on just the underwater problem, this seems like a different issue. Don’t know why the devs are only focusing on the underwater problem when it’s a problem as a whole.


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Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


So in addition to having my graphics settings reset everytime I load into a map, it also resets when i enter the water. Oh and I also experience underwater black screens. AND I also experience black screens right before cut scenes in dungeons and right before the scoreboard shows up in pvp. AND i have to reset my settings in pvp every time I die.
The best part is, the maximum performance preset doesn’t even set lowest settings. You will notice that shadows will be on “low” instead of “none”. When set on subsample, it renders on native, etc etc I can rant about this all day

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Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


It’s been dayss since the last update where they screwed this up and I haven’t been able to play AT ALL since.. still no news from the devs about this. It’s like they wont even acknowledge it. and who knows why they seem to think the black screen under water is one bug and the graphics settings they blow off like it’s nothing. They are the SAME bug

Every map change – every time I go under water – every time I get a cutscene. the screen goes BLACK and my graphics go from low to high and it lags me out. particularly the SUBSAMPLE to native settings. it resets itself. Please fix this before My long week off is over. Such a waste I can;t even play with this.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

the maximum performance preset doesn’t even set lowest settings. You will notice that shadows will be on “low” instead of “none”.

Good point. I wondered about that too. Although, ‘Low’ just draws a fuzzy black blob under you and seems to be a neglible performance hit. I checked my fps with and without it and it didn’t seem to make any difference, so I left it on ‘low’. Looks nicer than ‘none’ actually, though certainly nowhere near as good as the high quality shadow.

The other setting that’s weird is the last one: character model quality. “Best performance” set this to lowest, which draws all characters with the same model, a cowled tunic person. That may be the least intensive, but it’s practically useless since you can’t tell one person from another. I change this to ‘low’ but I wish the current ‘lowest’ setting was actually ‘none’ (or maybe ‘generic’) and ‘lowest’ displayed the actual model but maybe without any additional stuff like legendary effects, footprints, minis, backpacks, etc. I’ve seen other people ask for a setting to turn off legendary effects. Maybe this could be the way to do it and give us the best usable performance.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

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Posted by: phirefox.2568


So… does anyone have a solution yet? Because i seriously can’t think of anything un-illegal (a hacker could probably temporarily “fix” the problem until the devs actually care, but that would probably lead to a ban anyway), and with all the “Screen goes black Underwater” Threads (which actually get Dev responses), this one is probably going to be ignored forever

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeszuz.7968


I think they finally fixed it,. God bless.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928
