Guardian spell bugs

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wedes.4217


- Orb of Light sometimes never despawn which means you have to explode it and have the longer cooldown.

- Sanctuary sometimes doesn’t work on some people, enabling them to shoot and walk through it.

- Renewed Focus sometimes doesn’t make you invunerable. Most often I die to conditions while it is up, I assume you’re supposed to be invunerable to them as well.

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SnakeAes.5328


- Orb of Light sometimes never despawn which means you have to explode it and have the longer cooldown.

- Sanctuary sometimes doesn’t work on some people, enabling them to shoot and walk through it.

- Renewed Focus sometimes doesn’t make you invunerable. Most often I die to conditions while it is up, I assume you’re supposed to be invunerable to them as well.

Renewed Focus only makes you invulnerable while you’re channeling it. Not sure about the others though.

“Victorious warriors win first, then go to war;
defeated warriors go to war first, then seek to win.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


To add: Invulnerability doesn’t make you immune to damaging conditions for ANY class. I assume it’s a bug with the status of being “invulnerable” itself.

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wedes.4217


Renewed Focus only makes you invulnerable while you’re channeling it. Not sure about the others though.

Yes ofc I meant during the channeling. It doesn’t apply any buff afterwards that would make you invunerable or anything so yes, the channeling part is bugged unless the conditions aren’t included in the things your invunerable against.

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raukcaran.2590


- Sanctuary sometimes doesn’t work on some people, enabling them to shoot and walk through it.

This, a million times this. There have been many instances where I pop sanctuary, try to revive a person, and a mob or two just runs right into the bubble and kills me. Also, I’ve popped sanctuary in PvP while standing still (so I’m in the middle of the bubble) and people stand on the outside of the bubble and attack me, killing me.

That’s not much of a sanctuary, is it?

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orion.3812


  • Orb of Light never despawns properly if it hits a target that blocks, reflects, is invulnerable, or is a destructible object such as a gate in WvW. Staff is an amazing weapon for WvW, except for this bug which kills it. A player is forced to use the heal to trigger the long cooldown to get Orb of Light back. It affects more than WvW too.
  • Line of Warding and Ring of Warding do not properly prevent most targets from moving through them. They will knock them down once, but then allow them to escape.
  • The trait Battle Presence does not properly refresh when any points are spent in the Virtues tree, showing Immune messages on affected targets every other refresh and failing to reapply the buff.
  • Signets do not properly apply their buff if they are swapped with a skill that is on cooldown.
  • Shield of Absorption and Wall of Reflection do not stop projectiles from siege weapons, while similar skills from other classes do.
  • Symbol of Swiftness adds only one second instead of eight to existing swiftness buffs, even if the existing buff was not from a ground-target swiftness skill.
  • Signet passive effects buffed from Perfect Inscriptions do not show with buffed numbers in the tooltip.

Of these, Orb of Light is the most significant to me.

Co-leader of [FOX] Zero Given.

(edited by Orion.3812)

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sugrin Tuel Ul Laputa.8134

Sugrin Tuel Ul Laputa.8134

I confirm for the “Orb of Light” bug, it’s still there (PvE, PvP, WvW) .. it’s more than annoying

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nethod.7068


Writ of Persistence (symbols last longer) seems to work properly, but activating the trait doesn’t change the tooltip for symbol durations on the spells. Example – Symbol of Swiftness says duration is 4 seconds whether this trait is on or off.

Writ of Exaltation (symbols are larger) also does not update symbol radius in tooltips descriptions.

Guardian, Chef

(edited by Nethod.7068)