Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

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Posted by: Zayle.7253


Guesting is ruining world events because people do their own world events, then guest onto other servers in droves and fill up the maps to get a SECOND chest for killing a World Boss they already killed on their server. It forces resident players into an overflow, who then miss their home World Bosses.

This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed somehow. Not only are they getting two chests, but are in an aspect stealing the opportunity from resident players forced into overflows. People will also miss out if they DC or crash during the encounter. After being forced into an overflow trying to kill Tequatl, I zoned into Frostgorge Sound to make sure I had a slot on the server, and the players just poured in faster than they could render. Over half of them were guests taking up valuable slots. During the fight there was massive skill lag, reminiscent of the Ancient Karka encounter.

All this was on a Wednesday night; imagine it on a Friday or Saturday. Claw of Jormag did not even fly away in the first phase, he was pinned down by lag. When he reached 33% health he flew off, got shot down, and was killed by players in the 2nd phase without taking damage from his passive AoE damage.

(edited by Zayle.7253)

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shianna.5274


This is happening on Tarnished Coast on just about every single event that is put on a dragontimer site as a chest event. More guests than actual TC players are showing up and causing TC folks to hit overflow when they try to get into the event. I don’t think this double-dipping on events was intended with the guesting system.

I actually spoke to a guest today that said he watches the dragon timers on his server and TC’s every day and does both. So it is happening. Not sure if other servers are feeling the results of this problem (intense lag as Zayle mentioned, reminiscent of the Ancient Karka encounter…even on the pre-events, terrible culling issues, skill lag, etc.)

Please take a look at Tarnished Coast when investigating this problem. Thanks!

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kalea.9167


I third this submission, and did even go so far as to report it via /bug in game. I attempted to participate in the Maw events as a part of my daily today, and could not even -hit- mobs. I was channeling my staff attack so slowly on my necro that I barely did any damage at all.

Last night on Jormag, I was unable to cast heals on myself or do damage to ice spikes on phase 2 because the culling was so bad that I could not even see them. This is not my net or my computer; this is sheer server load and number of people present at the event.

This was bad, laggy, before the Tuesday update to the way loot behaved, but now with server natives likely having an increase in desire to participate in events for better loot, the guesting is making it unbearable.

When I found out that people were literally exploiting the system chasing events from server to server, I found this to be intolerable. Please put a fix in place to the guesting system immediately to stop this exploitative behavior.

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


People are not getting the dragon chest again the same day on one character. They are doing it on other characters. The reason they guest is they don’t want to wait the allotted time for the dragon to spawn on their server again. This is not a bug as you are still limited to one loot of the dragon chest per character a day not account. It would be an exploit if they found a way to do it with the same character but I have not seen proof of this just reports of people doing the same dragon with different characters which is not an exploit.

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Menaka.5092


Just got kicked from Gandara and logged back to an overflow where of course the event wasn’t playing. Fix this please…

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tiguere.3159


Yep. Got screwed out of my own server. It would be nice to triple steal the chests with the increased loot like the others, but I don’t have time to hop around looking for open spots. I only have time to attempt the chests twice on my home server…. but get booted to overflows…. my time and travel and such wasted.

Of course, this thing won’t be fixed in regards to letting those of us on the short end of the stick get compensation. It’ll just be a “good while it lasted” thing for those abusing it.

I’m just not going to play. My account activity will be non-existent for a while. For my time limits, and what I want to do, the game is unplayable. Again.

(edited by tiguere.3159)

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth Bloodmoon.4921

Seth Bloodmoon.4921

I’m adding my voice to this as well. Ever since the update things have turned into a laggy mess at the Dragon events I attend. Friends get stuck on overflows and completely miss the dragon due to the guesting hordes showing up.

When I’d normally get gold for contribution I get silver, bronze, or nothing thanks to the horrid server lag.

This is ruining the fun of playing the game. I’d almost rather have the nerfed chests back at this point.

In the court of King Chaos only blood can write its own tragedy.

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


something is wrong when i cant attack on my home server cause the response is so slow with all the people there that are guesting, they are very open about getting loot on our server, (im on tarnished coast) on claw of jormag my screen has actually just gone black for a min of the fight, nothing showed up than it poped back up…. please do something to cut down on trafic to already high pop servers! exp since we can only do these one time a day and they are not fun anymore on high pop servers

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.