Guild Arena Brawling Obstacles

Guild Arena Brawling Obstacles

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brangwen Liana.5632

Brangwen Liana.5632

For the last month or so I have been upgrading the Arena in my Guild Hall. We are now level 38. I just added the Ring Out Barrier yesterday. We have been unable to use any of our obstacles since right after a guild event we had when we only had walls and used them to create barriers in fighting. The Ring Out Barrier Works. I can turn it on and off, no problem. When I get to the floor of the arena with the icon above my head, I click on the list of items I can deploy and for a second the number 1 button that should go to a shovel pops up and then it goes away to the icon that shows you have nothing to deploy. I have checked all of the activated items and it is the same for all of them. I put a bug ticket in a few weeks ago along with a screen shot. When will this be fixed? We are upgrading it but are unable to use all of the fun things we are upgrading!

Guild Arena Brawling Obstacles

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


This is a known bug, no guilds can currently use Arena Obstacles since December.