Guild Banners not exclusive

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Token.6501


Our guild bonus banners can be used by anyone it seems, and not just guild member or allys. This provides very little incentive for people to join guilds, as they can get all the benefits of being in a guild, without having to join one!

I hope this is not the way they’re intended to work.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kungkonung.6758


I think that’s how they’re supposed to work, but I don’t like it. There should at least be an option for the guild placing the banners if they want them to be public or private.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: qwksvt.7324


so far from what ive seen thats how they work. when someone else click on it it says complimants of w/e guild made it. idk if all banners do it tho i havnt tried i know the exp one does it and influence does. i can see some of them being alright but others they should earn in a guild like kungkonung said we should have an option to make private or share.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Token.6501


yes they shouldn’t be public at all, none of them! If you don’t belong to a guild you shouldn’t have any access to banner bonuses. How are my guild members being rewarded for earning influence for the guild?

(edited by Token.6501)

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Izithel.6853


If you ask me it’s fine as intended, besides, it’s not like people can place and activate the banner without your consent anyway, you have to actually place it yourself.

Personally It would be a nice bonus if people clicking a banner not belonging to their guild would give the banner owning guild a small Influence bonus, would even encourage placing them in WvW, during events or outside of dungeon entrances as then you can get a load of influence for the guild without much effort while everyone enjoys some nice bonuses.

Ah well, there will always be people who don’t want to share anything.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Token.6501


It’s not really an issue about sharing, it’s an issue about earning the privledges that go along with guild membership! If we we’re really supposed to be sharing the rewards that we’ve earned then there wouldn’t be a reason for soulbinding items!

(edited by Token.6501)

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JFetch.8932


It’s how they are supposed to work. It actually has a message saying you are getting this buff thanks to our guild. Someone planted one right next to a rich mining node. It was awesome, and I actually thought about contacting them to join because that was a cool thing to do.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: omegadk.8173


Thought about… but did not. It wouls be better if you could click it and see what it does, then choose to join. I also think if people join a Guild, they should auto represent for 48 hours – To avoid spam joining just for benefits (also not able to join an other Guild for 48 hours)

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: whitepaws.1523


The reason for soulbinding items are economic ones not priviledge. There are no retributions for you or your guild if the banners are usable by everyone. The priviledge that goes along with being part of the guild is having a say in when and where a banner is put up. I don’t see what good it would do if only your own guild would benefit from banners. Spread the love!

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Token.6501


A person should not have access to guild boons unless they’ve earned it by participating in a guild. It’s indefensible as an intentional feature. Just like a person should not have access to dungeon gear unless they’ve explored the dungeons enough to earn the tokens.

It doesn’t matter how many people support the system as it’s currently working, I’m not going to be dissuaded from that position.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aireroth.7596


Considering the long-lasting buffs are only for people who represent the guild, I don’t see an issue with banners being a way to promote the guild. Same for WvWvW related buffs (claim a location, buff everyone in there).

Edge Of Sanity [MAD] – Gandara

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crise.9401


Guild banners are an advertisement. There are plenty of things you can’t take advantage of without actually belonging to a guild. Besides it is inherently awesome to spot a guild banner in the middle of a difficult jumping puzzle for swiftness (i’m pretty sure that was the buff anyways).

Exclusive/private guild banners would be like saying that only chefs can eat foods and gets the associated buffs and that food items should not be able to be sold (because you use karma for some ingredients).

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arghore.8340


Yeah let’s not share and make a name for our guilds. Could those in favor please post the name of the egoistic & egocentric guild they are in, that way i can be sure to put my nose up high in the air and ignore your precious guildbanner… as well as your cries for help if your tower/keep is attacked in WvW, any cries for help on dungeons, DE’s or w/e … heck if you throw a guild bash i will be sure to ignore your invites for sharing your ‘fame’ with the community …

There are tons of things that non guild members don’t have access to, if only a social environment, given ofcourse one is in a guild that actually has some sort of ‘social’ feel behind it…

also, this is not a bug! it’s an opportunity for guilds to advertise how cool they are by sharing the fruits of their labor with the general community that happens to be around where you placed that banner.

So please, what the heck are you thinking about this, once guesting is enabled feel free to send me an email and i will invite you to my server and i will give you some free drinks, we can get so loaded we pass out, and by the time you wake up i am sure you can see the benefit of sharing, if only some little things, with other people…

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

Funny all this whining about how people outside of the guild shouldn’t be able to use their precious banners.

Think about the great advertisement of a banner. If you click it, it pops a nice text saying something along the lines “please enjoy the accomplimentary service from our guild”. Some people will think about joining it, others just get a positive impression.

Going “NO, THIS BANNER IS OURS!! ITS ONLY FOR US!!” seems very immature, egoistical and elitist. WvW (and that’s where you’ll see most banners) is about working together, helping each other.

This “join or guild or go to hell”-mentality is pretty sad and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

There’s also other things than banners that can only be used by guilds. The two types of guild vaults, the awesome banner display on weapons and armor. I suppose these don’t count and if you can’t have a banner only for yourself ITS ALL WASTED AND THERES NO REASON TO JOIN A GUILD.

Very mature.

And yes I’m part of a guild and I’m glad we can extend the banners to other people. We’re not steamrolling the other servers 24/7 and if we can boost our server’s combatants its a pretty good thing.

Guild Banners not exclusive

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Token.6501


I was under the impression that the longer lasting guild boons were also banners and worked in the same way. But I guess that’s not true, so I rescind my complaint.