Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OctopusX.7185


My guild put two things to build yesterday, Economy lv2 and Guild Stash, both costing us 1000 influence each.
Now the upgrades are gone from building queue and so is the influence. So basically we lost about 14 hours of build time and 2000 influence.

Fix this asap and return our hard earned influence!

Guild: Chosen of the sun – Gandara

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ethanfel.1263


Same here, we just lost 10.000 influence when we lost our queues.

we need our queue back !

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: freshfish.2195


same we lost 1000 influence!

Guild Name
The Hate Machine – THEM

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OctopusX.7185


It is now fixed. Building queues are back. Thank you for a fast response Anet

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nemOsys.7106


Noticed this happened to us as well.

We are missing 2 queued items (worth 1k influence total) and lost ~18 hours worth of upgrade progress.

Guild: Laser Brains [LB]
Server: IoJ

UPDATE: Issue resolved (in less than 20 minutes!) Thank you for your assistance.

(edited by nemOsys.7106)

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reikenbach.9816


Same problem here.

Guild Armorer Contract was queued (500 influence) yesterday, disappeared when the update went live and as of this posting has lost a little over 24 hours of progress.

Guild: Cogitech Labs (CTEC)
Server: Sorrow’s Furnace

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreadmoure.7123


Our guild lost 1000 influence aswell when the pathc went life and like 15 hours of research,

Guild: Danish Geeks [DG]
Server: Gandara

Problem solved thanks alot!

(edited by Dreadmoure.7123)

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Progenitor.9324


Same goes for my guild. We lost a total of 2k influence due to loss of queues (Politics level 2, Architecture level 2) And would like to have it reïmbursed. About 13 hours of research has been lost for each queue.

Guildname: Legion of Spectres
Server: Aurora Glade

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Astralis.1865


Our guild also lost 1000 when our Queue was wiped. Can you get a response from the in game bug reports? This hasn’t been fixed for us on Ferg. Crossing yet.

Guild: Azerothian Refugees
Server: Ferguson’s Crossing.

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jayshua.5068


Yes, our Q keeps coming and going as well as our guild tag and represented status.

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taylor.8574


10000 influence level 4 architecture afer 2 days in queue has gone missing along with the influence.. please fix.. nice 1.

the dogs nuts (NUTS)

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thadizzard.4217


Just lost my research Architecture Level 1 build. Please look into this. The owner of the guild is on another server however I started the build and now it is gone. Please look into this. TYVM.

Guild – Wolves Night Watch

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


Queued Art of War 3 (5k) > 1 day ago, it was about half way through, and now suddenly the queue is empty and AoW3 is displayed as researchable option again.

The log still shows that it should be queued. The influence points that were deducted remain gone.

Please fix, thanks.

Edit: It’s fixed!

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

(edited by Antiriad.7160)

Guild Build Queue Gone After Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

For future reference: every so often, your client will lose access to the server that tracks Guild status. Evidence suggests it might be the same as one or more authentication servers, so this tends to happen more often when there are a lot of people logging on at once, i.e. during a trial weekend, a popular event, right before a major update, and especially just after a major update or hotfix. This weekend covers most of the above.

The thing is: unless you move servers, your influence/build queue is never lost — you just cannot see or adjust it. Sometimes it affects some guildies, but not others. Admittedly, that’s really annoying, especially since there’s nothing to be done except to wait it out. It always resolves itself.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”