(edited by Matdudix.4763)
Guild Challenge Bug
This is in my opinion a bug, but the bug is the inconsistancy.
Some challenges can be shared and some challenges can not be shared.
the issue is that they don’t perform in the same way.
This is my personal experience.
Blightwater Shatterstrike, Deep Trouble and Scratch Sentry Defense can not be shared across guilds, your guild can participate, but you won’t get the reward unless you started it.
Save Our Supplies and Southsun Crab Toss will be shared. if you have this one open, any member participating will end in a reward for the guild, even if your guild didn’t started it.
Branded for Termination: I only got this one once and never with another guild around, so no clue how it works.
I asked a long time ago for a consistent effect. Either you get the reward on all challenges if a single member (or more) particpates (even if another guild started it), or you only get the reward when your guild started it. Hopefully, till that happens my list will help you in identifying the difference
Arise, opressed of Tyria!