Guild Chat bugged

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Beastmaster.5071


Having the same problem. I seem to be able to chat in only one guild’s /g chat, but when I represent another guild, any messages I write in the second guild’s chat, appears in the first guild’s chat. Turning invis and then online doesn’t appear to work. Any solution for this?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: pauljr.6732


when entering a msg and completing it and hitting enter again it don’t show up and when a person in the guild trys to reply don’t see that nether or when I do the samething it says I’m not in a guild I tried pressing y and set my status to invis and wait a min then put it back to online and still nothing trying shuting down the client and reclogging still nothing I uninstalled the client and reinstalling the client and logging back in still nothing please fix this before Heart Of Thorns comes out this is one of very many feats I like about this game


Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: kazooiemad.4102


I’ve had exact same problem as you also, tried everything.

Kazu Uzak – Engineer
The [IRON] Triangle – Desolation [EU]

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Soul Evil.2734

Soul Evil.2734

Go to your friends list menu
At the top next to your name – change your status from visible to invisible then back to visible – this should turn on guild chat.

Not sure for how long.. but it worked for me anyways =/

Kääos – Collectors of Souls [CoS]
Ehmry Bay

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


The solution I heard was to set your self invisible and then back online again in the friends list.

I noted we already tried it and it doesn’t work for him. Even kicking and reinviting, restarting game or pc.. Nothing works..

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Syl.5842


same here, guild chat works randomly.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Virtuoso.9460


I have the same issue. Says “you are not in a guild” when i try to speak in /G
I can’t see the /g chat. and also have had the random npc voices.
for the voices i just turned them off in options.

BUT really I am in a guild that runs a lot of wvw and for me not being
able to talk in /g chat is extremely annoying. I have to find them on the map to
get near them and use /s or /m.
please fix this issue as it seems to be related to the newest patch.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Virtuoso.9460


nevermind, I tried the “go invisible” then “online” status in “Y” menu.
and it seemed to fix it.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: kettering.6823


Unfortunately the invisible fix only works less than half the time for me now. Sometimes I get “you are not in a guild,” sometimes my guild mates can read my messages but I can’t read theirs; I’ve tried relogging, standing down and re-representing, but it seems like it’s completely random whether or not guild chat wants to work. Getting super frustrated with it.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Xfile.3598


Guildy’s n friends seem to have guild chat working, mine is still broke. Any updates on what to do?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: littlemscupcakez.2183


Not working for me either sigh -.-

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: WillowLei.3752


For a couple weeks now I have not been able to talk in Guild chat. I keep getting the error “You are not in a guild”.

A couple things to note:
- I am representing the guild
- I have tried leaving and rejoining
- Other guildies aren’t having this issue

Please help, it’s really frustrating!

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Noodl.8034


still isnt working

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Phoenix.5302


Same goes here. My guild has rules that they remove players that are inactive, but this sudden error cause me to panic a bit

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Drow.2081


Okay I guess I have no choice but to submit ticket. No one is saying any fix is in the near future.

I also post on guildwars2guru.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Linnk.3489


Drow.2081 it’s working ) thanks for you help.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Xfile.3598


Any response from a GM or Mod would be greatly appreciated.

/g Help.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349



Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: bbhlarithrial.4982


I have some guildies having this issue too. Invis/Online does not help. Restarting client does not help. Not being able to communicate with your guild in GUILD wars, is silly.

P.S. My guild chat tab never changes colors when there’s new entries. The other tabs are fine.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Trying switching your status between invisible then back online. You can access this through your friends menu at the top left corner. It worked for me and a few friends of mine.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: lully.1689


Yuh~ that invisible/ online thing used to work for me- doesn’t anymore though :c
2 days no guildtalks lol hnnnnngh~
tried invisi/online ~ unrep / rep ~ relogging ~ even gquit and got reinvite = the sads

Vasal Kísan – Mesmer – Commander
Sea of Sorrows
~cloning since 2005~

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Bubblebath.2849


I am having the same problem. invis to offline/ tried having myself kicked and reinvited/ tried relogging etc still cannot see guild chat but my guild can see me chat what is going on!

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: NTDK.4897


I am having the same problem. invis to offline/ tried having myself kicked and reinvited/ tried relogging etc still cannot see guild chat but my guild can see me chat what is going on!

are you by any chance using another chat tab different than the Main (left most one)?

if you are, try putting guild chat into the Main tab and use it

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Bubblebath.2849


nope always use main and now it says im not in a guild whenever i try to talk so its escalating i suppose lol

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Bubblebath.2849


So i was able to fix my bug by leaving the most recent guild i joined and not rejoining which is a horrible solution but it worked for me and allowed me to communicate in my other guilds as normal. I had previously tried leaving my main guild and rejoining since it was the one i normally use but it didnt work but leaving the one i joined today did.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: StrykeerR.9713


Recently joined new guild about a week ago and since I joined I cant type or see guild chat it says that I am not in a guild.

P.S: chat works on guilds that I’ve already been in.
P.S2: Im not offline or not representing the guild.
Edit: found fix

(edited by StrykeerR.9713)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: kazooiemad.4102


Same also, not been able to talk in any guild so far for at least 4 days now..

Kazu Uzak – Engineer
The [IRON] Triangle – Desolation [EU]

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: khani.4786


Same thing happened to some fellow guildmates, setting yourself to invisible and then back to online seemed to work for them.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Xfile.3598


Thanks All.

Guild Chat was fixed today after patch.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: kettering.6823


With this new patch, none of the ‘fixes’ that used to work (sometimes) to fix guild chat are functioning. This means the ‘invisible’ fix, stepping down from the guild, relogging, etc. On top of this super irritating April fools joke (past years were so much better QQ), I’m finding zero motivation to play this game today. I’d send a message to support, but it takes days for them to reply on average. Is there anything else I can do?

(edited by kettering.6823)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: B is for Bass Players.9845

B is for Bass Players.9845

I wanted to second this one. If I switch guild representation, one guild’s chat works and one does not, and as kettering said, the normal fixes aren’t working.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: StrykeerR.9713


bump !~? 1 12 3 1

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Dvalin.8652


Having the same issue, the guild chat has not been working ever since joining a new guild about a week ago, and none of the known fixes (toggling offline status etcetra) have worked so far.
Guild chat works perfectly in guilds i’ve been in awhile though.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

I transfered to a new server last night and i joined a guild with some friends. I am repping but cannot type in Guild Chat nor can i see it. I tried doing the invis thing and then back to online and it didnt work. Repped my personal guild and i can see Guild chat. When back to repping the new guild and it doesnt work. This really a bummer i cant text communicate with guildys. It say in not in a guild but in the guild roster it shows me and that m repping.

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Laulajatar.4253


I invited a friend into my newly created storage guild earlier and he tried to write in guild chat. It didn’t seem to appear there, but one of the guys from his other guild whispered him, telling him that it ended up on their end.

All this while I saw him repping my guild?!

I don’t know what he wrote, but it seemed to have created kind of an awkward situation. Fix this kitten.

This is no signature.
Cloud of Sparrows [CoS]

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: kettering.6823


Still experiencing this wretched issue, and have been since March 16th. Super frustrating.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Wintuo.1356


There is another 9 page merged guild chat page that hasn’t gotten any response in a long while even though the issue with the 5th guild slot has been going on for a while. Would be nice to hear that it’s being worked on at least?

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: ThePlague.6192


I cannot figure out what these forums are for. I always see posts with limited to no response from Anet? This is an ongoing issue without even a acknowledgement, along with the massive lag in WvW, idk maybe we are all experiencing mass hysteria and its just an illusion?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: BackDraft.4291


Just joined a guild today, Cant see Guild chat at all. I can in all my others guilds. Please fix!

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Latest patch fixed the guild chat issue for me here’s hoping for the rest of you.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: toffee.3864


I have the latest patch, yet I am still having this guild-messaging issue.
note: I have re-logged, gone offline, repp’d other Guilds, restarted computer and also alt-switched.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

ANet won’t waste their time responding to this or glitches like this. These things are considered small and those affected are a minority. If this ever does get resolved, it’ll be after HoT and when they have addressed literally every other glitch caused by the HoT update and future updates. Until then, you are S.O.L. if you have this problem.

That’s just the way these things work. Until then, i recommend sending a bug report every day concerning the issue. Maybe at some point they’ll task one person with posting a response here saying they’ll work on it, if only to shut you up.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Regenas.6845


Having the same issue as OP. This issue needs to be fixed asap no matter who is in the minority.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: sereniity seven.5603

sereniity seven.5603

i cant see the guild chat or any messages. i tried going offline and then online hoping to refresh it and it dont work. i unrepped and repped and it still didnt work i even had my guild leader kick me and re invite me and still nothing works. its been like this for the past 2 weeks

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Melon.2389


Bump. Nothing the user can do fixes this. It’s not because of invisible, representation, map location or instance, or anything else.

Gonna bump this thread everyday until this is fixed.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


+1 my guildies still struggle with this bug.

They can see my guildchat IF they not represent it (lol)

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349



Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Can something pls be done about this??? My guildies truggle with this for almost a week now..
They can’t see the guildchat but they can see IF they represent another guild.

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Drow.2081


It worked for about one day for me and now it’s borked again. The answer to my ticket was “keep an eye on the forums we are aware and working on it” (not exact quote just jist).

I also post on guildwars2guru.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

I just put a ticket in on this. I joined a new guild 2 days ago when i transferred servers and no matter what i do still says im not in a guild and cannot see guild chat nor type in it but can on my personal guild. Shows me repping tho on guild roster

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand