Guild Chat bugged

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: StrykeerR.9713


I found a fix (Not me more like my friend did) anyways seems like the 5th guild slot is bugged and if you lets say leave the guild that the chat is bugged in and then leave guild bank or whatever guild that you dont need the chat there and get invited back to the bugged guild that is now on the 4th slot the chat will work perfectly fine.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Evigishki Gustkraken.9623

Evigishki Gustkraken.9623

Hello, I recently created a new guild, but the guild chat is not working, even if I appear offline and online soon after, Does anyone else had the same problem? The whole guild members were unable to type anything in guild chat too , “only” for that newly created guild. Any help will be highly appreciated.


Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: BackDraft.4291


Fix didn’t work for me. I am only in 4 guilds though so…

This has to be fixed..

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: kettering.6823


Leaving a few of my old guilds seemed to fix the problem for me. Not just one, though; I had to leave two. How strange.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

Seriously sick of this.
It’s been 2 weeks and I can’t use guild chat.
This is far from the first time a craptastic patch has been released but this by far the worst I’ve seen, much less heard of from any game made.

So many ‘fixes’ but none of them are fixing guild chat. Maybe you guys don’t realize how lonely and pathetic this game feels without guild chat. I for one will likely NEVER spend another dollar on this game the way this is being handled.

But please, lets worry about making a necro trait not work on doors and making flashing blade not work in mid air anymore, because as we can all tell these are HUGE problems that had to be addressed asap (sarcasm).

I just can’t help but think, will we have to wait two years for this to be fixed like we did for falling damage?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Zoda Slayer.4176

Zoda Slayer.4176

very very annoying bug +1

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Evigishki Gustkraken.9623

Evigishki Gustkraken.9623

This is what i will get every time i try to post in guild chat only on my newly created guild


Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: maybe.5086


Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: maybe.5086


Leaving a few of my old guilds seemed to fix the problem for me. Not just one, though; I had to leave two. How strange.

I was helping a new recruit to see guild chat and this solved our problem as well. He was trying to type out guild chat and got whisper from one of his other guildies. Looks like his messages were going one of the other guild chats.

Anyways, he had 3 guilds, we were the forth.. I asked him to leave one of his existing guilds and then join ours and it solved problem. However this is not a random issue as someone say above. It needs to be fixed asap imo.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Evigishki Gustkraken.9623

Evigishki Gustkraken.9623

Hey, thanks a lot for the link!
Yeah i guess all we can do is just to wait for arena net to fix it, until then, i have to hold for my recruitment

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Maze.8197


My problem is little bit one of my guild have flash on new messages on guild tab..before last patch of 31st march all worked as well but now… any other have same problem? We tried to go out then in of guild, delete tab, restore client…nothing happened..

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Martin.1970


Bump. “Fixed it” by leaving two guilds (had 5), re-join the bugged guild. Who needs 5 guilds anyways.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Sarika.3756


Seems like guild chat is still bugged out for folks who recently transferred servers and have joined a new guild.

The go invisible/visible workaround doesn’t work.
They are clearly repping the guild.
But when they try to use guild chat, they are getting the “you don’t belong to a guild” message.

We’ve tried all the usual fixes for it… anyone found a workaround for this one yet?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Thats it exactly. I just transferred 3 days ago and in a new guild. Guild Chat doesnt work and im not in a guild altho i’m on roster and repping.

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Chaba.5410


I believe it has to do with the fact that the login server is frequently overloaded and responses timeout. Sometimes I can’t even use the TP because of timeouts to the login server.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: chris.9142


I doubt it has anything to do with the server or else FAR more people would be having this issue then they are

I5-4670k @4.2Ghz – 8Gb 2133mhz Gskill
Msi Z87 Gaming Board AMD R9 270x
-crucial 256 M500 SSD -Samsung 500Gb HDD

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Chaba.5410


I doubt it has anything to do with the server or else FAR more people would be having this issue then they are

You mean like when the login server took a dump this morning for many many players?

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Its possible the login server glitched during our transfer and bugged us. Buts it flustering im in a new guild and cant even text chat to them..

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: xDarkEmber x.7492

xDarkEmber x.7492

having the same problem I tried switching guilds re logging, indivisible than online nothings working.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: lorddavito.2395


ANET, srsly please fix this crap… GUILD WARS…. GUILD…. and there’s been problems with GUILD chats for over a month by now.. gg


Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: xDarkEmber x.7492

xDarkEmber x.7492

bump please it’s very frustrating not being able to talk to the new guild i joined

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Shatter.9136


Same thing happens to me too… only in my case, the ‘not in a guild’ bug happens randomly… The first time about 1 or 2 weeks ago it happened to me when i tried to chat in a guild I just joined. It fixed after a few days somehow. But now it happens to my main guild which I have been a member for over 6 months…. I sent a report bug ticket a few days ago but the problem still persist. Anet, please fix!

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Shianni.9173


Fira, is that you?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Shianni.9173


I just found a lost Guildie on the forum here, didn’t know she was lost, but no guild chat for her, and I can’t see her in list, and she hasn’t left guild either. Also a new member on same server, who hasn’t transferred, can’t see guild chat, I can see him online, and in list. I can whisper him.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Shatter.9136


Oh, hey Lily! Yes, it’s me

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Crann.1342


anet plis fix

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: KazualGamer.1294


Bump, same problem here

[CoN]Circle of Nine – Warrior (Retired)
[iNk] Insidious Blink – Warrior (Retired)
[NB] Net Brutality – Warrior (Apply)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: mangosta.6193


i have not xfered recently but i have this same problem in my new guild -_-. Anet, any response?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Krestfallen.8025


As threads were merged, this post has been edited to eliminate redundancy.

(edited by Krestfallen.8025)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Krestfallen.8025


I just posted in another thread about this issue, but I am going to bump this one as well, because this is a genuinely game breaking issues: I am completely unable to participate with new communities, and has already “robbed” me of many opportunities to potentially make new relationships within the game’s community.

I reiterate (from my other post, and from my in game bug reports) that due to the monumental impact of this bug, some form of response (or preferably a resolution) would be immensely appreciated.

Please and thank you.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: KazualGamer.1294


If only Anet could at least drop a message like “Since the amount of player having this bug is high we are currently working on it”. Sad that the thread is on a “We don’t give a flying kitten about this since it doesn’t concern the gemstore”…

[CoN]Circle of Nine – Warrior (Retired)
[iNk] Insidious Blink – Warrior (Retired)
[NB] Net Brutality – Warrior (Apply)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: TwistedFate.8705


same issue for me.. i just transferred servers and joined a guild and i cant even speak to them

Have you guys submitted tickets?

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: TwistedFate.8705


Hi, I have Just transferred servers and joined a new guild but i can’t even talk to them. It keeps telling me that i am not in a guild. And yes i have tried all the tricks to get it to work but nothing has worked for me.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: KazualGamer.1294


Bump, thanks to do your job.

[CoN]Circle of Nine – Warrior (Retired)
[iNk] Insidious Blink – Warrior (Retired)
[NB] Net Brutality – Warrior (Apply)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: xDarkEmber x.7492

xDarkEmber x.7492

bump bump boop pls ty

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

same issue for me.. i just transferred servers and joined a guild and i cant even speak to them

Have you guys submitted tickets?


Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: imerp.7968


Leaving the guild and joining it again did not work and having the guild leader kick me and re-invite me did not work either.


Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Dante.1763


Broken here too. Same thing, nothing fixes it

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Law.4765


2 of the 3 guilds I am in work just fine. The third guild, I just joined a few days ago has this problem. I tried all the known hotfixes, if you wanna call ’em that. Nothing works. Ticket submitted. ZzzzzZZZzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: TwistedFate.8705


I submitted a ticket and was told that the team is aware of it and working on a fix. So guess we just gotta wait.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: imerp.7968


The first post says it was posted 2 years ago on the top right; but it was in fact posted yesterday if anyone was confused.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: KazualGamer.1294


Bump, thanks to do your job

[CoN]Circle of Nine – Warrior (Retired)
[iNk] Insidious Blink – Warrior (Retired)
[NB] Net Brutality – Warrior (Apply)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Red Queen.7915

Red Queen.7915

Did you delete the chat tab and make a new one? That’d be one thing I could think of…
A temporary fix might be putting the guild chat into the same tab as mapchat/everything into the very first chat tab. Fixed it for me, until they patched something and it worked again. Sorta. I still can’t see the “new message” notification, but at least the chat itself works again…

PSA: The amount of small felines serves as an indicator for just how angry I am at something.

Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

Of 12 new members, 4 haven’t been able to use guild chat. We’ve tried many fixes with no luck.

Reddit users are also having the same issue.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Nova.7261


Wondering if anyone else has had these circumstances…

Since the patch released on April 1st, that allowed everyone to be an airplane, guilds that I have join post patch do not have their guild chats working.

I can see the guild in its tab and it says I am representing but when I go to talk in guild chat, it says I am not in a guild.

I have tried:
- Leaving the guild and rejoining
- Setting myself to away then online
- Restarting the client and my computer
- Submitting a bug report

Basically I have been in the dark since april 1st and I’m finding it strange that the issues hasn’t been fixed.

I should add that the guilds I joined pre-patch, work as intended. So new ones don’t work and the old ones do.

(edited by Nova.7261)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: KazualGamer.1294


Bump, thanks to do your job

[CoN]Circle of Nine – Warrior (Retired)
[iNk] Insidious Blink – Warrior (Retired)
[NB] Net Brutality – Warrior (Apply)

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


I am also unable to use guild chat.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: Dante.1763


Bump, thanks to do your job

All you are going to do is get this thread locked. Believe me, they know its glitched and not working.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Guild Chat bugged

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Posted by: colossum.3859


I am atm in 5 different guilds, and I can’t seem to speak in one of them at all, at first I thought it was the usual guild chat broken bug, but after i tried every fix I know and none of them worked, and after I realized that the problem was only in one specific guild I started to think that my problem was probably another one.
I thought that I was the only one with this problem but a guild friend of mine found a post on reddit that redirected to this forum page, so I am here to say that I too seem to share this problem.
Plz arenanet Fix this problem, I have already submited a bug report in-game and also submitted a request in the website but got no answer and there is still no apparent fix to this problem