Please let me know if there is any information on this elsewhere, but I couldn’t find a post on it.
It appears that there are a few incorrect tooltips for the items offered by the Guild Commendations Trader. The most notable being the Guild Heroes Banner.
The current tooltip says that it gives +5% boost to gold earned from monster kills for 30 minutes.
Because these cost 1 more commendation than the Guild Gold from Kills Banner, I thought there was something wrong, and it appears that I am correct.
On the wiki, the effect of the Guild Heroes Banner is given as: +10% Karma, +15% Magic Find, +15% Experience from kills, +10% Gold from kills, +10% Movement Speed and +15% Gathering Chance for (time is unspecified, but I would guess 30 minutes)
Additionally, I have the question, what is the point of the Guild Gold from Kills Banner? If banners do NOT stack, the +5% gold from this banner pales in comparison to the Guild Gold and Magic Find Banner, which offers +10% boost to gold, and +15% magic find for the same amount of time (30 min) for the same exact price. Perhaps the tooltip on the Guild Gold from Kills Banner is incorrect as well? +25% gold seems to be what you guys were going for, while it says 5%.