Guild Hall Closing "Bug"

Guild Hall Closing "Bug"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: venshadowcry.6708


Not sure what causes it or if it is by design, but even with everyone in the guild hall in the same instance, the map will ask to close and you have 5 mins to transfer over to the new instance of the Guild Hall. Sometimes, even this transfer will kick a player out of it entirely to their last known location before they entered. This is seemingly irrelevant for Guild Halls to happen, especially if the population is small (around 3 – 15 agents)."

Anyone else who is having this issue, please post a reply!

Guild Hall Closing "Bug"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DivaCeryn.2673


This has been happening since Halls were launched. While building the Hall map closing to update what was being built is understandable. This bug makes it very hard to set up guild missions or have a Hall guild event during festivals/holidays as well as playing in the Hall arena. It has been reported several times on the forums. It does it once in awhile if there are only 3-4 in the Hall. Guild get togethers in the Hall makes it very annoying it does this constantly when everyones already in the Hall. if you pop say a guild banquet you lose it so its a waste of money because of so many “Map Updating” closing please move pop ups.

Guild Hall Closing "Bug"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MattStriker.7032


We’ve noticed that it seems to happen mostly when somebody from another server enters. We’ve got our guild mostly on Elona Reach but we also have a few members on Drakkar Lake and Riverside, and pretty much every time this happens one of them is involved, either as the first to open the instance or as somebody who tries to join an instance in progress but ends up in their own new version of the guild hall, forcing the old one into shutdown.

Guild Hall Closing "Bug"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: daemonis.2937


Here to help!

This occurs because of how instancing works in the game. Since at launch instances were never meant to host more than 5 players, they needed to work into the system a way to create an instanced area that COULD host more than 5 players without taking up too much space on the servers.

To do this, once more than 5 players enter a guild hall, a new instance opens that has more open slots to host more players, this is why it shifts you. For bigger guilds, this can even happen again at either 20-50 members all being in the same guild hall at once (my guild never has this many players on to test this, but I do believe it is 20!). Once the BIGGER instance opens, the smaller one closes, instead of having max size instances all open at all times. It reduces server load as once the number drops down below 3 players in the instance, it reopens the smaller one to move you all back there.

It IS a matter of optimization, not a bug. It’s just something that will have to be dealt with until they either rework instancing ENTIRELY or find a way to make instances dynamic without too much work. But again, that may require the servers to hold too much empty information at once.

I hope this helps!

IGN: Golemancer Vixxn
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Roleplay, PVP, PVE, and dungeon stuff, say hi if you see me!