Guild Influence not increasing!
Still waiting for a reply on this issue, i know it’s not a critical bug, but it’s still a bug and i’m still down 60 silver!
As of yet the the guild influence has still not increased!
I had the same problem yesterday, and again this morning.
Yesterday I bought the guild promoter drinks for 20 silver a total of 5 times for a total of 500 influence. I gained 0 influence. I tested by bying drinks for 2 silver – again 0 influence. I tried again this morning with 2 silver – no influence. I also tried the guild promoter in Lions Arch – he seems to work fine, and you get the influence you pay for.
World: Piken Square
Guild Promoter: Divinity’s reach
Money spent: 104 silver
Ifluence gained: 0
Dissappointment: Priceless
Also had this problem just happen to me.
Money spent : 40 silver.
No increase at all.
World : Piken Square
Merged thread stickied at the top of Game Bugs Forum for the guild system: