Guild Missions not giving commendations

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Jbrizzle.7253


This week I ran guild missions on Saturday after reset but that was when the daily bug started happening so I assumed that these 2 issues were related. After the patch the other day when the dailies were fixed I tried to run guild missions again but I still did not get an guild commendations. Did anyone else have a similar bug like this or so I need to submit a support ticket?

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: regolith.6902


I am having this problem currently, as I know for a fact that I didn’t do guild events within the last two weeks. makes me a sad panda.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: TheVavil.5293


Same problem here.
Killed Teesa in Frostgorge Sound .
No Drop, No commendations.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: paul.3042


ran guild challenge “save my supplies” in iron marches….no commendations, no bonus chest….other guildies got em though.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Blasino.3128


Add me to the list

Uturunku Yana, Guardian / Chullachaqui Yana, Engie
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Karew.2169


Same here. No bounty reward, and I got the regular chest at the end of the guild rush, but no commendations popup.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Joen.6721


Happening right now to me too. In my guild menu it appears as if they are done even though it is Saturday.
Edit: This is a guesting issue most likely. After guesting to the server the guild was in I received rewards.

(edited by Joen.6721)

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: dabomb.4056


I am having a problem where when my guild activated guild missions, there’s was no active guild mission on my Guild tab. No commendation given from after doing them with my guild, gutted.

Rekz – #Getgud, Champion illusionist

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Rasimir.6239


We’ve also noticed that players with home servers other than the server that started the mission did not receive commendations. Unfortunately we didn’t think of guesting until the missions were done.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: JoeytheHutt.1742


I didnt get any guild mission reward, and my home server is the same as the guild I wasnt guesting. I have guested other servers in the past, but that shouldnt be an issue. Unless guesting doesnt reset somehow.
I had the reset bug and the chat bug after the patch, maybe it has something to do with that?

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Snpbond.3184


We’ve also noticed that players with home servers other than the server that started the mission did not receive commendations. Unfortunately we didn’t think of guesting until the missions were done.

Doesn’t seem to matter, I tried to guest to the server the missions were started on and still didn’t receive any rewards, neither did another person.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Thareen.5471


Finished the guild missions (rush, puzzle & challenge), got the claim reward window, event ep, commendations and everything. Still does not count as finished.
So no merits.
First you need at least twice that long since megaserver (taxi then wait until the thing is free).
Now they are bugged too. Krait, just krait.
Have to do all this kitten again just for the kittening merits.

Oh, and we had to do the bounty twice, because the first time it counted too soon. No one got commendations because another guild killed it but it counted for us and nor for them, despite the fact that no one from us was there.

We always finished our guild missions in less then an hour, now it takes at least two.
And they´re bugged now. Much fun, such wow.
(And yes i am kittened off and kittening around now. Check my post history, what else i had to write today.)
kittening Bug Wars 2.

(edited by Thareen.5471)

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: MasterOfMistakes.2089


just did all mission again this week, no commendations, I guess its not a problem to anet.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Thareen.5471


Not a repeat from above, now with tips for the bugged missions itself.

For those who did not know that until now, when you have members from other servers in your guild, they still have to actually guest on the homeserver of the guild (the one on which the mission was started).

Now the fun part:
After a mapchange, better guest again (relog and again choose that server) or it get bugged sometimes (be in a party with someone on the new map while relogging!!!) and they may not get the commendations because of this.

It also occurs for native players, but not that often.

When starting the guildmissions where you have to activate it, make sure no one is around the activation spot and check the guild banner if it matches.
Right after you finished the mission, check if it acutally finished!
Sometimes it just says it is complete but still active. If you can start it again on the activation spot, have fun doing it again.

Btw. we now have a new kind of troll out there. Players that start guildmissions without doing them to troll other guilds. Especially those with long timers.
Thank you so much for that Anet, now they can torment other servers too and not only their homeserver.

Guild missions are just broken now.

(edited by Thareen.5471)

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: azizul.8469


happened also to my guildie, who is native to our guild home server activating the mission. did not get his guild mission chest after completing a bounty target hunt. we even did the bounty hunt on another target to make sure he get his chest, in case he did not do enough damage on the first one, but still he did not get any.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Thareen.5471


@azizul. we had the same thing and starting a new bounty for those who got nothing on the first run did not succeed. We killed it and made sure that the ones in question tapped the target (they actually made the most damage because the rest went away to scale it down for them) but still no reward.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Blasino.3128


What stinks about this is I already got hit with Daily bug and lost out on laurels. Now I got this bug and I’ve missed a week of coms.

That doesn’t count the 2 coms I missed the previous week because the megaserver design prevented us from being able to activate the mission as other guilds already started it.

I guess I’m unlucky.

Uturunku Yana, Guardian / Chullachaqui Yana, Engie
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: vostok.7298


I had the same issue today. I rep my guild and started doing guild missions with my guild. I did not get any commendations. I could get to the end….get chests….get event completed…but no commendations. Completed all gm’s and I got 0 commendations. What is going on? I had this issue 2 weeks ago too!

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Fox.4257


I’ve had this issue get worse in the past 2 weeks. (if it bugs again, then this week will be the third)
Background: On 4/19/14 – first week of the Feature Pack patch – I did all 4 missions with my guild, but only received credit for the Bounty and Rush (none for Challenge / Puzzle); I thought this may have been related to the daily achievement reset – which I did also suffer from:

So I opened the tickets:
557149: Guild Challenge – No Commendation / Chest Rewarded (4/19/14)
557132: Guild Puzzle – No Commendation / Chest Rewarded (4/19/14)

Since the daily reset was “fixed” within a few days, I thought the problem would have been fixed; but on 4/26/14 – I did all 4 guild missions again, yet I received no rewards at all from any of them; thus I opened the following ticket.

574281:Guild Missions – No Rewards (at all) 4/26/14
A 7:20pm – completed Ghost Wolf (Rush), no reward chest; received karma for event completion
B 7:52pm – completed Skritt Defense (Challenge) – no reward chest; received karma for event completion
8:18pm – completed Skritt Defense (Challenge) – 4th time (this time ours), previous 3 helping other guilds (should get credit anyway), STILL no reward chest
C 8:47pm – completed Skritt Puzzle / Proxima’s Lab , no reward chest.
D 9:11pm – completed guild bounty – Trilla, no reward chest

To this day, #557149 has not been addressed, nor has #574281. (Other than the standard – high ticket volume, escalated automated response)
However, for #557132, I received responses from 4 different GMs, each telling me to open a bug report in-game (which does nothing, nor does it give you a ticket #), or just… do nothing. I inquired about the loss of chest rewards / commendations, and received a more or less “sorry, sucks for you.”

While I am pretty sure they are unlikely to change their responses, I am disappointed since they did not at least acknowledge that the loss of 6 GM boxes (9 commendations) particularly stings, as it is a weekly reset.

I also tried to negotiate (probably silly in hindsight), by stating that since I have 3 commendations in my wallet (and are missing 9 from this whole fiasco), then why don’t I just buy an ascended accessory through ArenaNet? Since mailing ascended items IS possible, I offered to have them just take 3 from my wallet (along with the difference gold), so I’d be paying for the item in full anyway.
Furthermore, I noted that this would have no impact on the economy (unless I choose to sell the item for… what, 3 silver?), and I am effectively giving up on whatever bonus items that may drop from the chest, only the wanting the static rewards (commendations / gold).

Of course, the answer was a pretty curt “no.” Which was disappointing, because I thought this was a reasonable and quick solution.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Thareen.5471


Guildmissions bugged again for us, but this time only the Puzzle.
Still thats 30 Merits we are missing from this week. That means 3 Tequatl/Wurm we can´t spawn.
At least this time everyone got the Commendations for all that stuff we did.

Submitting a bug report does nothing, opening a ticket does also nothing.
At this point i am pished off (again!).
Anet do you even care anymore about the players and their guilds? We know already that you don´t give a frack about cross-server communities no matter how many thousand players they have. Whats with the rest?

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Fox.4257


Confirming that guesting on the server works. Note – even though you can get on the same (…) map without guesting (automatically puts you with your guild members), you still absolutely -must- guest to receive the rewards.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Makaal.1753


Same issue. I’ve done one bounty, getting nothing even if successful as few of my guildies with my server native guild. When we saw that some of us didn’t got commendations, we’ve done another one, and still didn’t have any.

After that, we’ve done a guild bounty, sucessfully, but still, same people had not commendations.

And the guild won guild merit medals though.
I was in a group, representing, with my fellow guildies on the same server. We did it after the weekly reset.
When i saw where it led, i stopped. Seriously, what’s the point breaking one of the core features of guilds?

(edited by Makaal.1753)

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Karew.2169


Confirming that you have to both guest and represent a guild to get commendations, even though you can otherwise still get on the same map as them.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Thareen.5471


Another little thing i could test out and can now confirm as another bug.
Since some GM do not finish even after they are completed:
For example the rush, you start it, you get 15 players through.
In the past you could just start the next mission and continue there while the timer continues. When it ran out the mission counted as finished and your guild recieved the rewards. This is no longer always the case.
After you finished the run, at least one person has to stay there until the timer runs out or your guild will not be rewarded. Just do not take the risk, one have to wait there.
This is also the case with the puzzle and some of the challenges.
Hope this helps a few other guilds with that problem.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Bacon.2360


I had this issue with the guild missions not giving commendations or loot after the reset bug (I did represent and guest). I submitted a ticket 2 weeks ago and only recently got a reply from anet after I sent them an email of frustration. I was told that they were unable to compensate me and was given no reasoning at all, just a short 2 line generic response. Several times anet’s support have wasted my time and given me poor service(the customer doesn’t have to get his way for proper service). To any one reading this, if you are unsatisfied with the current game, balance or support vote with your wallets.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Roland Of Ka Tet.6432

Roland Of Ka Tet.6432

Guildie did not get commendations today.
Still waiting for an answer from Anet.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: crosknight.3041


bumps again didnt get em either Q.Q i want mah commendations

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Zanshin.5379


I had this problem too.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Shin.2019


Is arenanet giving us a reply on this, this is pretty sad. It’s happened for me this week as well and I am native to the server I am in. No reward after guild challenge while other guildies got it.

Very kittened… as I can only play once a week and no repeats from guild for missions.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: Zanshin.5379


I’m lucky to be the officer in charge of missions in my guild. When I try to activate a mission and it tells me that I can’t do it because only an officer of the guild can do it, then I know I’m bugging and I can just disconnect and reconnect and it fixes the bug.

Guild Missions not giving commendations

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Posted by: bubbachua.1243


Same here, i just ran guild bounty and chellenge with my guild today after reset and i didn’t get the chest, while others were getting it.