Guild Pane Account name changed

Guild Pane Account name changed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Avatar of Indra.6908

Avatar of Indra.6908

After being on the game for a few hrs in WvW, I decided to go to the heart of the mists to check out some stuff at the PvP locker. While there, I pulled up the guild pane to see who was still on and I saw that rather than my account name showing up in gray after my character name, my email address was there instead (in the place of the acct name). This kind of freaked me out a bit as I don’t give it out often and I don’t want even my guild mates (save a few) to know my personal email address. I logged out and restarted the client and it went back to normal, but that is a bug I do not want to see again. Please look into this, as personal information is being displayed.

Thank you,

Avatar of Indra

Guild Pane Account name changed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello Avatar of Indra.

This issue has already been reported (check the following thread) and the team knows about it. The thing is, that normally you think everyone can see your email address but this is not the case.

If you learn that someone else can see your email address, we’ll want to know (in the thread provided or by ticket to Customer Support). But testing and player reports so far have confirmed that this information is client-side only and cannot be seen by others.
